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Grouping of Operating Credit Institutions by Registered Authorized Capital in 2002*

Up to 3
mln. Rub.
From 3 to 10 mln. Rub. From 10 to
30 mln. Rub.
From 30 to
60 mln. Rub.
From 60 to 150 mln. Rub. From 150 to 300 mln. Rub. From 300 mln. Rub. and more Total
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
Dec. 31, 2001 128 9.7 218 16.5 317 24.0 255 19.3 171 13.0 97 7.4 133 10.1 1,319
January 31 126 9.5 210 15.9 312 23.6 257 19.4 176 13.3 105 7.9 137 10.4 1,323
February 28 123 9.3 209 15.8 308 23.3 262 19.8 176 13.3 106 8.0 140 10.5 1,324
March 31 122 9.2 204 15.4 309 23.3 259 19.5 182 13.7 110 8.3 141 10.6 1,327

April 30

121 9.1 203 15.3 304 22.9 260 19.6 184 13.9 108 8.1 147 11.1 1,327

May 31

116 8.7 202 15.2 299 22.5 263 19.8 184 13.9 114 8.6 149 11.2 1,327

June 30

113 8.5 200 15.1 301 22.7 262 19.7 187 14.1 115 8.7 150 11.3 1,328

July 31

112 8.4 201 15.1 302 22.6 260 19.5 190 14.2 116 8.7 154 11.5 1,335

August 31

109 8.2 200 15.0 304 22.8 261 19.6 190 14.2 117 8.8 154 11.5 1,335

September 30

107 8.0 199 14.9 304 22.8 260 19.5 189 14.2 119 8.9 156 11.7 1,334
October 31 105 7.9 195 14.7 298 22.4 259 19.5 193 14.5 123 9.2 158 11.9 1,331
November 30 105 7.9 193 14.5 296 22.2 259 19.4 195 14.6 120 9.0 164 12.3 1,332
December 31 102 7.7 192 14.4 291 21.9 253 19.0 198 14.9 123 9.3 170 12.8 1,329
* The authorized capital paid by the participants is recorded in the articles of association and entered into the State Register after the registration of the articles of association by the authorized registrar.
Updated January 15, 2003.
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Last updated on: 03.04.2019