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Main Indicators of Foreign Currency Market Turnover in 2011

Main Indicators of Foreign Currency Market Turnover in 2011
(According to the report ¹ 0409701"The foreign exchange and money markets transactions report" data, received from credit organizations)

Total Average Daily Currencies’ Turnover of FORWARDS FX Transactions
(millions of US dollars)

In all currencies
Total Russian Rouble (RUB) US Dollar (USD) EURO (EUR) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 1,657 831 1,605 704 46 8 56 45 3 0 6 0 11
February 1,427 790 1,337 547 70 71 27 8 1 0 2 2 3
March 1,808 903 1,730 669 63 182 49 8 2 2 4 5
April 2,295 1,228 2,175 600 303 110 105 51 4 0 3 8
May 2,616 1,489 2,499 995 81 53 78 17 4 1 1 0 11
June 1,808 1,129 1,727 545 47 22 105 5 0 1 1 0 30
July 1,574 833 1,452 578 38 86 113 37 4 1 0 7
August 2,204 1,357 2,078 703 104 23 100 4 0 3 4 23
September 2,294 1,572 2,140 624 55 69 42 63 2 0 3 1 15
October 2,199 1,590 2,064 587 21 13 41 0 59 0 6 14
November 1,682 1,107 1,541 630 25 22 21 0 1 1 6 7
December 2,627 1,577 2,435 916 105 32 95 74 2 0 3 3 9
Russian rouble against other currencies
Total US Dollar (USD) EURO (EUR) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 831 799 29 0 2 0
February 790 709 80 0 1 0
March 903 850 50 0 3 0 0
April 1,228 1,180 43 0 1 3 1 0
May 1,489 1,420 66 0 0 2 0 0
June 1,129 1,080 45 0 1 3 0 0
July 833 770 57 1 5 1
August 1,357 1,300 55 1 1 0 1
September 1,572 1,491 78 0 2 1
October 1,590 1,500 86 2 1 0 1
November 1,107 989 116 1 1 0 0
December 1,577 1,467 106 3 1 0 0 0
US dollar against other currencies
Total Russian Rouble (RUB) EURO (EUR) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 1,605 799 661 36 4 51 40 3 0 6 0 6
February 1,337 709 458 68 64 23 8 1 0 0 2 2 3
March 1,730 850 597 61 160 43 8 2 2 4 5
April 2,175 1,180 519 240 100 74 45 4 3 3 7
May 2,499 1,420 896 48 43 61 17 4 3 1 0 6
June 1,727 1,080 469 26 20 92 5 0 5 1 29
July 1,452 770 485 14 73 69 34 3 0 0 5
August 2,078 1,300 599 59 18 73 4 0 9 3 4 9
September 2,140 1,491 489 26 44 12 63 2 3 0 3 1 7
October 2,064 1,500 456 12 12 4 0 59 2 0 6 13
November 1,541 989 493 15 17 10 0 1 4 1 6 6
December 2,435 1,467 749 64 21 52 63 2 4 0 3 3 8
Euro against other currencies
Total Russian Rouble (RUB) US Dollar (USD) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 704 29 661 8 1 4 0 0 1
February 547 80 458 1 5 3 0
March 669 50 597 0 17 5 0
April 600 43 519 35 1 1 0 1
May 995 66 896 19 3 7 0 1 4
June 545 45 469 20 0 9 0 1 1
July 578 57 485 5 7 24 1 0
August 703 55 599 25 11 13
September 624 78 489 13 7 30 0 7
October 587 86 456 7 1 37 0
November 630 116 493 7 2 12 1
December 916 106 749 19 2 40 0 0 0
1. Tables are based on data from credit institutions, which are the largest domestic foreign exchange market operators. The share of these credit institutions (further — the banks-respondents) in total turnover of FX transactions exceeds 99%.
2. FORWARDS FX transactions currencies’ turnover includes interbank deals with settlements effected more than the second bank business day after the transaction day.
3. FORWARDS FX transactions currencies’ turnover includes exchange and over-the-counter deals conducted by respondent banks among themselves (excluding double-counting), and deals conducted by respondent banks with non-respondent banks (residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation).
4. FORWARDS FX transactions currencies’ turnover includes also FX swap transactions one or both legs of which are forward deals.
5. Total currencies’ turnover is the overall value of the deals (excluding double-counting).
6. The tables’ data should be revised.
Updated January 16, 2012.
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