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Main indicators of currencies’ turnover of FORWARD FX transactions on domestic currency market of the Russian Federation

Main Indicators of Foreign Currency Market Turnover in 2008
(According to the report No. 0409701"The foreign exchange transactions report" data, received from credit organizations)
Total Average Daily Currencies’ Turnover of FORWARD FX Transactions
(millions of US dollars)

In all currencies
Total Russian Rouble (RUB) US Dollar (USD) Euro (EUR) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 3,132 2,443 2,837 527 203 176 23 10 3 4 2 2 37
February 2,576 1,977 2,514 563 38 32 4 3 3 4 2 8 4
March 3,314 2,564 3,262 675 27 80 5 2 5 5 0 0 2
April 4,018 2,979 3,963 994 27 26 23 1 0 5 1 5 11
May 3,257 2,654 3,159 651 9 15 11 1 3 4 1 3 4
June 2,665 1,931 2,552 702 25 36 11 36 5 6 0 15 12
July 3,212 2,406 3,056 648 69 138 36 17 5 5 28 17
August 3,711 2,887 3,479 750 187 49 20 11 4 5 18 13
September 3,551 2,993 3,365 363 96 209 6 4 2 5 1 13 45
October 2,962 2,573 2,920 317 13 67 4 9 0 1 13 6
November 1,016 780 932 209 31 63 6 0 0 10 1
December 2,534 1,522 2,149 1,271 37 42 19 0 2 0 5 20
Russian rouble against other currencies
Total US Dollar (USD) Euro (EUR) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 2,443 2,364 78 0
February 1,977 1,931 45 0 0
March 2,564 2,528 35 0 0
April 2,979 2,939 40 0 0 0
May 2,654 2,568 85 2 0 0
June 1,931 1,861 70 0 0
July 2,406 2,330 76
August 2,887 2,700 187 0
September 2,993 2,926 67
October 2,573 2,533 40 0
November 780 732 48
December 1,522 1,165 358 0 0 0
US dollar against other currencies
Total Russian Rouble (RUB) Euro (EUR) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 2,837 2,364 418 9 19 13 3 4 2 2 4
February 2,514 1,931 509 24 22 4 3 2 3 2 8 4
March 3,262 2,528 629 16 74 3 1 3 5 0 0 2
April 3,963 2,939 946 20 21 13 0 0 5 1 5 11
May 3,159 2,568 558 6 12 4 0 0 3 1 3 3
June 2,552 1,861 621 22 8 9 6 2 6 0 15 3
July 3,056 2,330 558 15 68 27 5 3 5 28 16
August 3,479 2,700 548 144 23 13 11 3 5 18 13
September 3,365 2,926 268 11 93 3 1 5 1 13 43
October 2,920 2,533 277 13 66 4 8 0 1 13 6
November 932 732 151 5 29 4 0 10 1
December 2,149 1,165 890 24 27 17 0 1 0 5 20
Euro against other currencies
Total Russian Rouble (RUB) US Dollar (USD) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 527 78 418 33 — 6 2 1
February 563 45 509 7 1 1 0
March 675 35 629 7 1 2 0 1 0
April 994 40 946 0 4 3 1
May 651 85 558 0 0 6 2 0 0
June 702 70 621 0 6 1 1 2 0 0
July 648 76 558 1 11 1 1 0 0
August 750 187 548 13 2 0 0 0
September 363 67 268 0 26 2 0 1
October 317 40 277 0 1 0 0 0
November 209 48 151 1 7 2 0
December 1,271 358 890 9 12 1 1 0 0

1. Tables are based on data from credit institutions, which are the largest domestic foreign exchange market operators. The share of these credit institutions (further — the banks-respondents) in total turnover of FX transactions exceeds 99%.
2. FORWARDS FX transactions currencies’ turnover includes interbank deals with settlements effected more than the second bank business day after the transaction day.
3. FORWARDS FX transactions currencies’ turnover includes exchange and over-the-counter deals conducted by respondent banks among themselves (excluding double-counting), and deals conducted by respondent banks with non-respondent banks (residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation).
4. FORWARDS FX transactions currencies’ turnover includes also FX swap transactions one or both legs of which are forward deals.
5. Total currencies’ turnover is the overall value of the deals (excluding double-counting).
6. The tables’ data should be revised.
Updated June 9, 2011.
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Last updated on: 08.10.2019