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Bank of Russia Claims on the Credit Institutions under Foreign Currency/RUB sell/buy FX Swaps*

(at the beginning of the day)
Date Claims For reference: ruble liquidity
million of USD million of CNY million of EUR swapped in the first leg of FX swaps* to be swapped in the second leg of FX swaps
05.11.2024 0.0 0.0 0.0
02.11.2024 0.0 0.0 0.0
01.11.2024 2,668.8 36,260.6 36,260.2
31.10.2024 5,610.0 76,086.4 76,085.6
30.10.2024 5,710.7 77,708.0 77,707.3
29.10.2024 6,040.0 81,601.8 81,601.1

* Where the second leg has not been executed before the reporting date.

Data is available from 30.09.2014 to 05.11.2024

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Last updated on: 05.11.2024