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Deposits of Individuals Accepted by Credit Institutions

millions of rubles

31.01 28.02 31.03 30.04 31.05 30.06 31.07 31.08 30.09 31.10 30.11 31.12
Deposits of individuals
total 24,015,186 24,075,590 23,967,632 24,273,420 24,276,548 24,897,140 24,861,336 24,798,365 24,762,044 24,759,702 24,996,931 25,987,406
in rubles 18,322,102 18,581,633 18,649,233 18,811,671 18,910,388 19,287,112 19,263,079 19,284,958 19,350,146 19,408,164 19,629,278 20,642,614
by maturity:
demand deposits 3,187,147 3,306,325 3,298,220 3,396,920 3,392,374 3,683,365 3,690,105 3,633,317 3,619,062 3,565,493 3,628,793 4,297,433
up to 30 days 49,347 78,381 57,551 114,302 60,967 91,203 62,736 52,210 86,582 64,444 95,628 55,820
31 to 90 days 459,381 479,146 406,697 344,397 285,680 252,663 271,615 274,137 237,957 300,258 241,016 285,017
91 to 180 days 1,843,638 1,887,317 1,966,515 2,059,519 2,273,845 2,387,029 2,600,585 2,837,391 3,149,260 3,327,210 3,634,583 4,169,490
181 days to 1 year 5,383,000 5,370,467 5,454,632 5,421,793 5,393,004 5,315,858 5,175,476 5,045,057 4,783,503 4,715,365 4,652,760 4,498,010
1 to 3 years 6,624,204 6,665,109 6,661,633 6,668,134 6,681,288 6,716,257 6,636,157 6,618,084 6,651,016 6,613,908 6,564,150 6,504,724
over 3 years 775,385 794,888 803,986 806,605 823,231 840,738 826,405 824,761 822,766 821,486 812,346 832,120
in foreign currency 5,693,084 5,493,957 5,318,399 5,461,749 5,366,160 5,610,028 5,598,256 5,513,407 5,411,897 5,351,537 5,367,652 5,344,793
by maturity:
demand deposits 864,961 867,210 864,830 936,111 935,290 969,560 999,664 1,032,329 1,011,641 1,038,803 1,044,188 1,100,669
up to 30 days 13,546 9,478 7,792 7,386 6,553 7,021 5,866 5,850 6,447 5,850 7,528 7,782
31 to 90 days 21,720 21,184 20,238 18,911 20,774 16,916 21,244 21,332 20,479 14,994 13,979 16,790
91 to 180 days 72,391 69,119 65,214 67,171 65,426 70,146 70,179 70,755 70,792 70,564 71,066 70,658
181 days to 1 year 846,578 810,433 798,220 799,232 796,610 841,590 839,240 826,337 804,288 787,794 783,659 785,669
1 to 3 years 3,490,419 3,331,200 3,168,381 3,228,335 3,117,785 3,255,421 3,204,542 3,099,225 3,046,710 2,953,997 2,958,362 2,871,590
over 3 years 383,469 385,332 393,724 404,603 423,722 449,374 457,521 457,579 451,541 479,534 488,871 491,635

Updated on 22 February 2018.

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Last updated on: 12.08.2019