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Analytical Accounts of MonetaryAuthorities in 19991

million rubles, end of period

Dec, 1998 Jan, 1999 Feb, 1999 Mar, 1999 Apr, 1999 May, 1999
Foreign assets 292,420.9 310,310.7 307,310.6 309,041.0 322,680.0 345,442.2
Claims on general government 525,373.3 544,870.0 534,760.5 555,510.6 549,999.1 545,048.9
Claims on nonfinancial public organizations 149.5 149.5 148.1 147.3 143.2 143.2
Claims on nonfinancial private organizations and households 412.1 405.3 398.5 391.5 382.8 370.1
Claims on credit institutions 76,437.7 99,381.9 113,587.3 134,722.9 153,148.2 179,067.3
Monetary base 258,141.8 255,130.9 263,910.2 281,352.9 302,634.4 340,778.7
money outside banks 187,678.6 177,850.4 180,601.4 173,953.6 195,069.1 205,092.8
Time deposits and deposits in foreign currency 7,331.0 8,246.5 8,178.5 7,897.3 7,309.9 10,466.1
Foreign liabilities 401,550.6 428,943.6 419,646.1 437,395.1 426,233.4 420,043.2
General government’s deposits 41,863.8 44,188.0 41,533.9 36,954.2 44,966.7 45,076.2
local government deposits 2,863.1 4,451.8 4,568.8 5,645.4 6,548.6 8,386.4
Capital account 118,112.9 118,110.8 118,107.0 118,099.5 118,113.6 118,104.0
Other items (net) 67,793.3 100,497.6 104,829.2 118,114.3 127,095.4 135,603.6
June, 1999 July, 1999 Aug, 1999 Sep, 1999 Oct, 1999 Nov, 1999
Foreign assets 359,735.6 334,567.3 327,146.9 340,081.9 380,387.1 380,410.5
Claims on general government 535,783.1 541,997.3 546,094.1 550,137.5 570,468.1 570,860.6
Claims on nonfinancial public organizations 140.1 137.2 132.9 128.5 127.9 116.6
Claims on nonfinancial private organizations and households 364.4 357.8 352.0 336.1 330.2 334.9
Claims on credit institutions 180,014.8 195,229.8 199,325.8 198,198.0 205,096.4 207,355.6
Monetary base 349,117.5 352,936.0 357,010.4 348,833.5 368,702.1 379,443.1
money outside banks 216,206.2 217,995.8 216,007.9 212,633.3 221,794.6 218,928.2
Time deposits and deposits in foreign currency 9,605.1 7,603.9 9,146.0 9,589.8 10,056.6 10,372.6
Foreign liabilities 410,072.1 413,863.2 416,759.1 423,711.5 429,611.1 422,572.7
General government’s deposits 51,035.5 71,341.6 65,755.6 67,678.8 87,859.6 95,001.1
local government deposits 8,456.1 8,844.1 10,079.2 10,316.3 12,079.0 15,190.4
Capital account 118,068.2 118,059.4 118,059.4 118,039.9 118,086.7 118,027.0
Other items (net) 138,139.6 108,485.3 106,321.4 121,028.5 142,093.7 133,661.7

1 Methodology of these indicators calculation is given in the Summary Methodology (Section 1) of the “Bulletin of Banking Statistics” No. 5 2008. Since 2001 the data are published in the form of the Central Bank Survey.
Updated October 5, 2007.
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