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Structure of Credit Institutions’ Investments in Securities

millions of rubles

31.12.00 31.01 28.02 31.03 30.04 31.05 30.06 31.07 31.08 30.09 31.10 30.11 31.12
Investment in debt instruments 329,784 325,132 331,120 340,062 353,330 365,295 370,798 387,101 396,006 393,358 394,700 384,465 366,731
Federal government securities 310,647 310,628 317,140 323,908 336,201 345,689 350,786 365,242 373,340 370,459 370,438 356,079 338,388
of which: securities bought on REPO terms 259 163 167 258 529 450 1,142 527 1,049 713 1,114 900 2,605
Securities of the RF member territories and local authorities 2,742 2,840 3,422 3,581 3,553 4,526 5,279 5,049 5,691 6,312 6,800 7,829 8,427
of which: securities bought on REPO terms 257 263 208 246 272 191 233 266 170 113 107 278 1,020
Securities issued by resident credit institutions 389 664 600 744 835 1,635 1,066 1,125 1,389 1,461 1,579 1,235 1,119
of which: securities bought on REPO terms 0 0 0 41 40 88 0 79 0 0 11 0 0
Securities issued by nonresidents 14,728 9,151 7,764 7,688 6,998 6,854 7,295 6,837 6,357 6,409 6,609 7,110 6,489
of which: securities bought on REPO terms 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other debt instruments 1,277 1,849 2,195 4,141 5,743 6,590 6,371 8,848 9,229 8,718 9,273 12,213 12,307
of which: debt instruments bought on REPO terms 53 53 53 66 77 64 52 79 62 57 57 46 119
Investment in shares of stock 26,770 26,603 27,262 27,673 28,676 29,139 30,538 32,242 33,239 33,833 34,000 32,873 32,763
Resident credit institutions’ shares of stock 816 938 924 974 1,126 1,149 1,158 1,074 1,080 1,099 1,180 1,269 989
of which: shares of stock bought for investment 621 653 655 664 717 737 765 687 685 696 676 743 706
Nonresidents’ shares 690 692 680 542 544 349 324 326 95 95 96 95 96
of which: shares bought for investment 325 326 328 193 194 115 90 91 89 89 90 89 90
Other shares 25,265 24,973 25,659 26,156 27,006 27,641 29,056 30,843 32,065 32,639 32,725 31,509 31,679
of which: shares bought for investment 9,821 10,229 10,267 10,204 10,626 10,642 11,615 13,154 13,121 13,377 13,418 13,399 13,109
Equity interest in legal entities 7,440 7,615 7,692 7,699 7,703 7,615 8,546 8,816 9,426 10,141 10,252 9,625 15,167
of which: subsidiary and affiliated resident bank 1,471 1,641 1,645 1,649 1,652 1,653 1,711 1,707 1,593 1,883 1,897 1,897 1,906
Other participating interests 3,275 3,332 2,151 2,403 2,413 2,429 2,583 2,540 2,544 2,596 2,691 2,305 2,735

Updated March 20, 2002.
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