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Saving (Deposit) Certificates and Bonds Issued by Credit Institutions

at par, million rubles

31.01 28.02 31.03 30.04 31.05 30.06 31.07 31.08 30.09 31.10 30.11 31.12
Deposit certificates 17,053 15,078 15,570 15,836 16,942 17,548 17,458 17,400 15,290 14,598 14,333 15,384
of which by maturity:
up to 30 days 370 699 590 369 1,047 639 443 830 437 144 6 113
31 to 90 days 2,872 831 1,182 1,078 1,712 2,572 2,662 2,017 473 645 492 1,586
91 to 180 days 589 489 505 635 653 873 850 1,105 1,191 880 963 568
181 days to 1 year 2,030 2,063 2,250 2,692 2,691 2,394 2,303 2,327 2,029 1,524 1,452 1,337
1 to 3 years 10,550 10,657 10,773 10,629 10,660 10,867 10,952 10,960 10,950 11,165 11,257 11,357
over3 years 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Savings certificates 15,137 15,342 15,426 15,761 15,617 15,555 15,713 15,163 14,697 14,298 14,016 13,981
of which by maturity:
up to 30 days 1 1 0 234 1 3 0 1 0 11 0 1
31 to 90 days 1,677 1,704 1,872 2,044 2,221 2,412 2,497 1,366 633 118 71 229
91 to 180 days 2,425 2,434 2,288 2,114 2,050 2,036 1,992 2,667 2,957 3,102 2,849 2,592
181 days to 1 year 5,722 5,945 5,965 6,127 6,119 6,039 6,213 6,089 5,895 5,632 5,583 5,344
1 to 3 years 3,587 3,567 3,511 3,513 3,437 3,419 3,297 3,282 3,421 3,636 3,756 4,156
over3 years 51 51 48 48 47 46 44 55 79 87 91 62
Bonds 411,524 415,339 426,578 430,221 423,738 425,689 437,905 442,650 479,396 484,219 522,678 537,880
of which by maturity:
up to 30 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 to 90 days 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
91 to 180 days 605 255 255 239 239 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
181 days to 1 year 3,302 2,123 128 68 68 4 0 0 1 3 5 6
1 to 3 years 64,065 62,739 79,199 85,423 85,833 87,511 96,692 96,377 113,139 116,752 156,643 171,063
over3 years 343,551 350,223 346,996 344,490 337,593 338,169 341,213 346,274 366,174 367,465 365,991 366,811
Updated March 15, 2011.
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Last updated on: 12.08.2019