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  • 8 800 300-30-00
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Deposit and Savings Certificates and Bonds

at par, million rubles


31.01 28.02 31.03 30.04 31.05 30.06 31.07 30.08 30.09 31.10 30.11 31.12
Total deposit certificates 23,155 23,200 25,426 28,616 28,797 33,806 31,114 33,309 44,610 49,894 59,519 66,610
of which those falling due:
up to 30 days 1,703 1,251 1,668 3,180 1,768 2,114 846 1,216 2,139 2,438 2,667 6,080
31 to 90 days 8,828 9,022 8,669 9,281 8,599 11,530 10,254 9,581 10,146 14,388 10,857 10,060
91 to 180 days 4,485 4,264 4,875 6,348 7,599 8,358 8,289 10,151 16,002 15,830 14,912 10,591
181 days to 1 year 5,133 5,483 5,625 6,438 7,073 7,368 7,819 8,027 8,752 8,763 8,661 8,716
1 to 3 years 1,842 1,819 1,790 1,935 2,392 2,358 2,311 2,328 5,862 6,009 19,653 28,333
more than 3 years 531 531 531 542 542 545 567 601 604 607 608 629
Total savings certificates 526 580 644 700 742 819 886 974 1,055 1,147 1,094 1,127
of which those falling due:
up to 30 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 to 90 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
91 to 180 days 86 95 114 116 121 130 122 123 126 120 93 113
181 days to 1 year 172 186 202 535 571 632 708 788 862 962 932 934
1 to 3 years 228 257 287 6 5 6 6 6 7 5 10 20
more than 3 years 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total bonds 4,913 6,027 6,313 7,130 6,317 5,166 4,984 5,433 5,815 6,590 7,009 7,382
of which those falling due:
up to 30 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 to 90 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 60 0 0
91 to 180 days 100 100 100 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 16 30
181 days to 1 year 599 265 250 467 470 322 275 230 426 386 369 478
1 to 3 years 2,359 2,187 2,487 3,487 2,757 3,157 3,012 2,960 3,072 3,902 3,911 4,211
more than 3 years 1,855 3,475 3,475 3,075 3,077 1,687 1,698 2,243 2,243 2,243 2,713 2,664
Updated April 8, 2003.
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Last updated on: 12.08.2019