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Marina Ryklina

Marina Ryklina

Born on 23 June 1954.


1976: graduated from the Department of Journalism of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

1994: completed the advanced training course, BBC Media, in the UK.

Candidate of Philological Sciences.

Author of the textbook Emergency Agency Spokesperson.


1976–1985: Editor at the Press Agency Novosti (editorial team for publications in the USA and Japan).

1985–1991: Editor and Picture Editor at Progress Publishers (journal UNESCO Courier).

1991–2004: Head of the Press Service at the Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief of the Russian Federation (EMERCOM of Russia).

2004–2006: Public Relations and Information Director at the all-Russia public organisation Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia).

2006–2013: Head of the Press Service at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

2013–2015: Director of the Public Relations Department at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Since 1 September 2015: Director of the Bank of Russia’s Public Relations Department.

She was awarded the Order of Friendship.

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Last updated on: 05.09.2024