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Publications in selected peer-reviewed journals

Authors Title Journal
Simanovskiy A.Y. The concept of banking capital risk-sensitivity revisited Voprosy Ekonomiki, 3, 27-42 (2024). (In Russ.)
Authors Title Journal
Andreyev M.Y., Polbin A.V. Macroeconomic effects of the expected future decline in oil revenues for the Russian economy under capital control. Voprosy Ekonomiki. 2023; (4):5-28. (In Russ.)
Arzhenovsky S.V. Inflation and income inequality: Relationship research in the regional aspect. Voprosy Ekonomiki. 2023;(4):151-160.
Arzhenovsky S.V. Estimate of shadow economy dynamics in Russia and regions: the inflationary aspect Applied Econometrics, 2023, v. 69, pp. 121–140.
Bessonova E.V., Tsvetkova A.N. Russian households’ finances during the pandemic. Voprosy Ekonomiki. 2023; (8):123-146. (In Russ.)
Moiseev S.R.  The house that Keynes built: Redecorating and overhaul of the monetary policy model Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2023-07-10| journal article, pages 35-49.  
Moiseev S.R.  Monetary aggregation: Concept, critics and modern alternatives Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2023-01-03| journal article, pages 26-44.  
Penikas H.I. Retail loan pricing determinants in Russia. Voprosy Ekonomiki. 2023; (6):36-61. (In Russ.)
Penikas, H. Unaccounted model risk for Basel IRB models deemed acceptable by conventional validation criteria Risk Management, 25 (4), 1-30 (2023)
Penikas, H. Non-compliance to Benford distribution as the portfolio default rate determinant in online retail lending Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 18(2), 125-134 (2023)
Penikas, H., Skarednova, A., Surkov, M. How do Investors Prefer for Banks to Transition to Basel Internal Models: Mandatorily or Voluntarily? Quarterly Journal of Finance, 2340002 (2023)
Penikas H. I., Vasilyeva Е. Redefining the degree of industry greenness using input—output tables International Review of Economics and Finance, 89(A), 1073-1090 (2024)
Penikas H. I., Vasilyeva Е. Measuring climate-credit risk relationship using world input-output tables Russian Journal of Economics, 9(1), 93-108 (2023)
Ponomarenko, A., Tatarintsev, S. Incorporating financial development indicators into early warning systems. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 27(2023)
Authors Title Journal
Andreyev M., Polbin A. Monetary Policy for a Resource-Rich Economy and the Zero Lower Bound Economic policy. 2022.  17, № 3, p. 1-30.
Bessonova, E. Firms’ efficiency, exits and government procurement contracts European Journal of Political Economy. 102253 (2022).
Burova, A., Ponomarenko, A., Popova, S., Sinyakov, A., & Ushakova, Y. Measuring Heterogeneity in Banks’ Interest Rate Setting in Russia Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 58(14), 4103-4119 (2022).
Deryugina, E., Guseva, M., Ponomarenko, A. The Credit Cycle and Measurement of the Natural Rate of Interest Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, 1, pp. 87-104 (2022)
Khabibullin, R., & Ponomarenko, A. An empirical behavioral model of household’s deposit dollarization Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 17, 827–847 (2022)
Kozlovtceva, I., Penikas, H., Petreneva, E., & Ushakova, Y. Macroprudential policy efficiency in Russia: Assessment for the uncollateralized consumer loans Emerging Markets Review, 100910 (2022)
Penikas, H. IRB Asset and Default Correlation: Rationale for the Macroprudential Mark-Ups to the IRB Risk-Weights Risk Management, 25(1), 1-27 (2023)
Penikas H. PD-LGD Correlation for the Banking Lending Segment: Empirical Evidence from Russia Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 17(1). P. 27-39 (2022)
Penikas H., Skarednova A., Surkov M., Festa Y. Automation of the Approach to Replicating Data When the Control Group Is Depleted in The Difference-In-Differences Method: Application to IRB Implementation Data Samples Procedia Computer Science. 199, pp. 231-237 (2022)
Simanovskiy A.Y. Risks. Senses. Capital. On the concept of banking capital risk-sensitivity Voprosy Ekonomiki, 6, 26-41 (2022). (In Russ.)
Authors Job title Publication
Bessonova E. & Tsvetkova A. Do productivity laggards ever catch up with leaders? Review of Income and Wealth, https://doi.org/10.1111/roiw.12539
Borzykh, D., & Penikas, H. IRB PD model accuracy validation in the presence of default correlation: a twin confidence interval approach. Risk Management, 23, 282–300 (2021).
Burova, A., Kozlovtseva, I., Makhankova, N., Morozov, A. Dollarization, Financial Stability Risks and Monetary Policy Implementation: Exploring the Nexus Ensayos Económicos, 1(77), 50-71 (2021)
Bush, G., Gómez, T., Jara, A., Moreno, D., Styrin, K., & Ushakova, Y. Macroprudential policy and the inward transmission of monetary policy: The case of Chile, Mexico, and Russia. Review of International Economics, 29(1), 37-60 (2021).
Deryugina, E., & Ponomarenko, A. Explaining the lead—lag pattern in the money—inflation relationship: a microsimulation approach. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 31, 1113–1128 (2021)
Merika A., Negkakis I., Penikas H. Stress-Testing and Credit Risk Revisited: A Shipping Sector Application International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 4(12), 347-367 (2021)
Moiseev S.R. Uncharted waters: Investors get access to foreign exchange-traded funds Voprosy Ekonomiki, 11, 54-70 (2021). (In Russ.)
Nechitaylo V., Penikas H. Benchmarking Banking Regulation Regimes: Application for the CBDC Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 4(16), 261-272 (2021)
Penikas, H. Money multiplier under Basel capital ratio regulation: implications for counter-COVID-19 stimulus. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment https://doi.org/10.1080/20430795.2021.1945348
Ponomarenko, A. Money creation and banks’ interest rate setting. Journal of Financial Economic Policy https://doi.org/10.1108/JFEP-10-2020-0214
Zhemkov, M. Nowcasting Russian GDP using forecast combination approach International Economics, 2021, 168, 10-24
Authors Job title Publication
Deryugina E, Ponomarenko A Disinflation and Reliability of Underlying Inflation Measures Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics. 2020, 12(1):91-111
Deryugina, E., Ponomarenko, A. and Rozhkova, A When are credit gap estimates reliable? Economic Analysis and Policy, 2020, 67, pp.221-238
Ermolova, M., Leonidov, A., Nechitailo, V., Penikas, H., Pilnik, N., Serebryannikova, E. Agent-based model of the Russian banking system: Calibration for maturity, interest rate spread, credit risk, and capital regulation Journal of Simulation, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1080/17477778.2020.1774430

Karlova N.A., Puzanova E.V., Bogacheva I.V., and Morozov A.G. How are inflation expectations of enterprises formed: survey results Studies on Russian Economic Development, 2020, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 522-532
Khabibullin, R., Ponomarenko, A. and Seleznev, S. Forecasting the implications of foreign exchange reserve accumulation with a microsimulation model Journal of Simulation, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1080/17477778.2020.1813641

Kiselev A., Zhivaykina A., The role of global relative price changes in international comovement of inflation The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2020, vol. 22©
Kozlovtceva, I., Ponomarenko, A., Sinyakov, A. and Tatarintsev, S.  A case for leaning against the wind in a commodity-exporting economy International Economics, 2020, 164, pp.86-114
Merikas A., Merika A., Penikas H. I., Surkov M. The Basel II Internal Ratings Based (IRB) Model and the Transition Impact on the Listed Greek Banks.  The Journal of Economic Asymmetries. 2020. Vol.22. No e00183. doi:/10.1016/j.jeca.2020.e00183
Moiseev S.R. The „black box” of the interest rate channel of monetary policy Voprosy Ekonomiki, 9, 5-21 (2020). (In Russ.)
Moiseev S.R. Consequences of interest rates benchmarks reform Voprosy Ekonomiki, 1, 93-110 (2020). (In Russ.)
Penikas H. History of the World Largest Credit Risk Losses in 1972–2018 Экономический журнал ВШЭ, 2020, vol. 24(1), pages 9-27
Penikas H. History of the Basel Internal-Ratings-Based (IRB) Credit Risk Regulation, Model Assisted Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 2020, vol. 15(1), pages 81-98
Penikas H. The Review of the Open Challenges in the IRB Loan Portfolio Credit Risk Modeling Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 2020, vol. 18(4), pages 1-18
Ponomarenko A. A note on observational equivalence of micro assumptions on macro level. Economics-The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 2020, 14, pp.1-15
Authors Job Title Publication
Bessonova E., Gonchar K. How the innovation-competition link is shaped by technology distance in a high-barrier catch-up economy Technovation, Volumes 86–87, 2019, P. 15-32, ISSN 0166-4972, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2019.01.002

Lipin A., Knobel A., Malokostov A., Tarr D., Turdyeva N. Deep Integration in the Eurasian Economic Union: What are the Benefits of Successful Implementation or Wider Liberalization? Eurasian Geography and Economics 60(2), 177-210, 2019
Moiseev S.R. Hype around (non)monetary (non)theory Voprosy Ekonomiki, 9, 112-122 (2019). (In Russ.)
Ponomarenko A. Do sterilized foreign exchange interventions create money? Journal of Asian Economics, 2019, vol. 62©, pages 1-16
Authors Job Title Publication
Vlasov S., Deryugina E. Fiscal Multipliers in Russia Journal of the New economic Association, No. 2(38), P. 83-95
Deryugina, E., N. Karlova, A. Ponomarenko.and A. Tsvetkova The role of regional and sectoral factors in Russian inflation developments Economic Сhange and Restructuring. 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10644-018-9232-y
Moiseev S.R. The behavioral economics of monetary policy Voprosy Ekonomiki, 5, 139-150 (2018). (In Russ.)
Moiseev S.R. Monetarism’s „renaissance”: How the well-known theorylived in 2000-2018 Voprosy Ekonomiki, 1, 26-55 (2018). (In Russ.)
Ponomarenko, A. A. and A. N. Ponomarenko What do aggregate saving rates (not) show? Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 12 (2018-13): 1–19
Simanovskiy A.Y. On the issue of crypto‑currency economic nature Voprosy Ekonomiki, 9, 132-142 (2018). (In Russ.)
Authors Job Title Publication
Deryugina, E., Ponomarenko, A., Sinyakov, A. and C. Sorokin Evaluating underlying inflation measures for Russia. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies DOI: 10.1080/17520843.2017.1301511
Moiseev S.R. The odyssey of inflation targeting: To new challenges of monetary policy Voprosy Ekonomiki, 10, 50-70 (2017). (In Russ.)
Moiseev S.R. Private central banks Voprosy Ekonomiki, 7, 24-41 (2017). (In Russ.)
Ponomarenko, A. A note on money creation in emerging market economies Journal of Financial Economic Policy 9(1)
Popova S., Karlova N., Ponomarenko A., Deryugina E. Analysis of the debt burden in Russian economy sectors Russian Journal of Economics, 3(4), pp.379-410
Authors Job Title Publication
Deryugina, E., Ponomarenko, A. Money-based underlying inflation measure for Russia: a structural dynamic factor model approach Empirical Economics DOI 10.1007/s00181-016-1125-1
Krupkina, A., Ponomarenko, A. Deposit dollarization in emerging markets: modeling the hysteresis effect Journal of Economics and Finance DOI 10.1007/s12197-016-9379-1
Mamedli, M. O. Analysis of Government Expenditure Multiplier Under Zero Lower Bound: The Role of Public Investment The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Volume 14, Nov. 2016, pp. 103— 111
Moiseev S.R. Adventures of the optimum currency areas theory Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2, 56-76 (2016). (In Russ.)
Moiseev S.R., Pantina I.V. Real exchange rate targeting Voprosy Ekonomiki, 5, 44-65 (2016). (In Russ.)
Authors Job Title Publication
Deryugina, E. Ponomarenko A. Accounting for Post-Crisis Macroeconomic Developments in Russia: A Large Bayesian Vector Autoregression Model Approach Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51(6), 1261 — 1275 (2015)
Krupkina A., Deryugina E., Ponomarenko A. Estimating sustainable output growth in emerging market economies Comparative Economic Studies, 57(1), 168-182
Authors Job Title Publication
Ponomarenko A., Vasilieva E., Schobert F. Feedback to the ECB’s monetary analysis: the Bank of Russia’s experience with some key tools Journal of Banking and Financial Economics 2(2), 116–150
Yudaeva K.V. On the Opportunities, Targets and Mechanisms of Monetary Policy under the Current Conditions Voprosy Ekonomiki, 9, 4-12 (2014). (In Russ.)
Authors Job Title Publication
Ponomarenko A. Early warning indicators for asset price boom/bust cycles in emerging markets Emerging Markets Review 15, 92–106
Ponomarenko A., Solovyeva A., Vasilieva E. Financial dollarization in Russia: causes and consequences Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 6:2, 221-243
Authors Job Title Publication
Ivanova N.S., Yudaeva K.V. Russian Banks: How to Cope With Dead Calm Journal of the New Economic Association, 5(5), 152-156 (2010). (In Russ.)
Yudaeva K.V. On the Exchange Rate Policy Voprosy Ekonomiki, 1, 21-28 (2010). (In Russ.)
Authors Title Journal
Gref F.O., Yudaeva K.V. Russian Banking System under Conditions of Global Crisis Voprosy Ekonomiki, 7, 4-14 (2009). (In Russ.)
Yudaeva K., Godunova M. Lessons of Crisis for Russia: Macroeconomic Policy Ekonomicheskaya Politika, 6, 30-41 (2009). (In Russ.)
Yudaeva K., Godunova M., Kozlov K., Ivanova N. Exit strategies from the banking crisis: international experience Ekonomicheskaya Politika, 3, 98-149 (2009). (In Russ.)
Yudaeva K.V., Kozlov K.K. Factors behind the Worldwide Declines in GDP and Industrial Output under the Crisis of 2008 Journal of the New Economic Association, 1-2, 236-239 (2009). (In Russ.)
Yudaeva K., Raskosnov M., Krachilov A. Recapitalization of bank sector Ekonomicheskaya Politika, 4, 84-90 (2009). (In Russ.)
Authors Title Journal
Ulyukaev A.V., Danilova E.O. Russian Banking Sector under World Financial Market Uncertainty: Problems and Prospects Voprosy Ekonomiki, 3, 4-19 (2008). (In Russ.)
Yudaeva K.V., Yasin Y.G. Strategy-2050: Can Russia Deal with Challenges of Globalization? Voprosy Ekonomiki, 5, 4-21 (2008). (In Russ.)
Authors Title Journal
Goriaev A.P., Zabotkin A.B. Risks of investing in the Russian stock market: Lessons of the first decade   Emerging Markets Review, 7(4), 380-397 (2006)
Volchkova N.A., Lobanov S.N., Turdyeva N.A., Khaleeva J.V., Yudaeva K.V. Microsimulation Analysis of the Consequences of Monetization of Social Benefits in Russia Applied Econometrics, 4(4), 105-134 (2006). (In Russ.)
Authors Title Journal
Kozlov K.K., Sokolov D.G., Yudaeva K. V. Innovation Activities of Russian Enterprises Higher School of Economics Economic Journal, 8(3), 399-419 (2004). (In Russ.)
Authors Title Journal
Yudaeva K.V., Kozlov K. K., Melentieva N., Ponomareva N. Does foreign ownership matter? The Economics of Transition, 11(3), 383-409 (2003)
Department responsible for publication: Research and Forecasting Department
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