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Selected Indicators Characterizing Performance of Credit Institutions (Grouped by Size of Assets) on Mortgage Loans Market

  Credit institutions grouped by assets (in descending order) as of 01.09.2017
1-5 6-20 21-50 51-200 201-500 501-576 total
1. Number of credit institutions extended mortgage loans, units 5 13 23 93 152 133 419
2. Number of mortgage loans extended to individuals, units, of which loans extended 487,540 33,768 35,518 33,325 11,409 667 602,227
2.1. in rubles 487,540 33,767 35,518 33,322 11,407 666 602,220
2.2. in foreign currency 0 1 0 3 2 1 7
3. Volume of mortgage loans extended to individuals, - total, million rubles, of which: 870,248 69,349 77,163 69,436 13,646 1,976 1,101,818
3.1. in rubles 870,248 69,338 77,163 69,157 13,537 1,953 1,101,396
3.2. in foreign currency 0 11 0 279 109 23 422
4. Debt on mortgage loans, extended by credit institutions, - total, million rubles, of which: 3,861,222 288,210 323,934 292,201 38,831 5,443 4,809,841
4.1. in rubles 3,845,889 274,442 316,950 278,970 36,588 5,200 4,758,039
4.2. in foreign currency 15,333 13,768 6,984 13,231 2,243 243 51,802
4.3. of which:overdue, - total 45,054 10,556 8,850 6,320 1,772 189 72,741
4.3.1. in rubles 36,925 5,635 5,934 3,757 1,454 174 53,879
4.3.2. in foreign currency 8,129 4,921 2,916 2,563 318 15 18,862
5. Weighted average maturity, months, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
5.1. in rubles 186.6 184.6 203.0 184.3 107.0 89.4 186.3
5.2. in foreign currency 0.0 195.0 0.0 45.3 23.2 12.0 41.8
6. Weighted average interest rate, %, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
6.1. in rubles 11.10 11.90 11.60 11.70 14.80 15.60 11.28
6.2. in foreign currency 0.00 11.00 0.00 6.00 9.00 9.00 7.12
7. Rights of claim under mortgage loans, - total, million rubles, of which: 58,880 27,841 25,392 39,638 4,301 244 156,297
7.1. in rubles 51,794 22,571 21,426 33,591 4,261 244 133,887
7.2. in foreign currency 7,086 5,270 3,966 6,047 40 0 22,410

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 14.11.2017