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Selected Indicators Characterizing Performance of Credit Institutions (Grouped by Size of Assets) on Mortgage Loans Market

  Credit institutions grouped by assets (in descending order) as of 01.10.2010
1-5 6-20 21-50 51-200 201-500 501-1030 total
1. Number of credit institutions extended mortgage loans, units 5 15 25 121 224 223 613
2. Number of mortgage loans extended to individuals, units, of which loans extended 112,275 18,845 9,312 21,489 18,649 6,818 187,388
2.1. in rubles 112,102 18,489 8,778 20,250 18,605 6,792 185,016
2.2. in foreign currency 173 356 534 1,239 44 26 2,372
3. Volume of mortgage loans extended to individuals, - total, millions of rubles, of which: 126,596 30,012 18,184 33,791 18,050 7,447 234,080
3.1. in rubles 125,375 28,260 16,193 28,411 17,426 7,295 222,960
3.2. in foreign currency 1,221 1,752 1,991 5,380 624 152 11,120
4. Debt on mortgage loans, extended by credit institutions, - total, millions of rubles, of which: 482,080 290,333 127,973 132,442 28,610 8,287 1,069,725
4.1. in rubles 441,977 230,250 93,194 86,429 24,904 7,551 884,305
4.2. in foreign currency 40,103 60,083 34,779 46,013 3,706 736 185,420
4.3. of which:overdue, - total 19,070 13,570 6,677 2,585 586 176 42,664
4.3.1. in rubles 9,823 8,201 4,757 1,564 513 168 25,026
4.3.2. in foreign currency 9,247 5,369 1,920 1,021 73 8 17,638
5. Average weighted maturity, months, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
5.1. in rubles 215.9 179.9 190.8 176.9 151.0 149.6 197.3
5.2. in foreign currency 199.2 174.0 199.4 154.6 39.5 42.4 162.6
6. Average weighted interest rate, %, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
6.1. in rubles 13.70 13.20 13.00 12.70 12.20 13.10 13.35
6.2. in foreign currency 10.90 11.10 10.50 10.80 14.80 16.20 11.12
7. Rights of claim under mortgage loans, - total, millions of rubles, of which: 1,146 32,288 23,292 47,121 1,382 769 105,998
7.1. in rubles 1,126 25,832 18,098 35,364 1,308 712 82,440
7.2. in foreign currency 20 6,456 5,194 11,757 74 57 23,558
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Last updated on: 08.06.2015