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Selected Indicators of Loans in Rubles Granted by 30 Largest Banks to Resident Individuals

volume of loans total, million rubles including
housing loans of which:
number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % mortgage loans of which:
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % against the pledge of claims under share construction participation agreements
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, %
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month
The Russian Federation 10,762,550 1,342,193 2,735,981 196.1 199.7 9.49 9.60 1,341,299 2,735,240 196.1 199.7 9.49 9.60 341,038 807,916 194.5 194.2 9.28 9.39
CENTRAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 3,499,400 327,519 866,722 201.1 203.7 9.45 9.59 327,301 866,529 201.1 203.7 9.45 9.59 97,187 299,091 200.6 200.7 9.20 9.31
Belgorod Region 92,184 11,338 19,792 193.6 196.7 9.48 9.69 11,323 19,784 193.6 196.5 9.48 9.69 1,697 3,851 199.2 187.3 9.29 9.54
Bryansk Region 62,656 10,437 16,819 195.2 196.2 9.47 9.63 10,421 16,812 195.2 196.2 9.47 9.63 2,941 5,176 193.2 188.8 9.31 9.49
Vladimir Region 76,186 12,202 20,751 197.4 196.3 9.49 9.61 12,190 20,738 197.4 196.2 9.49 9.61 2,622 5,324 196.5 187.1 9.30 9.39
Voronezh Region 136,464 21,564 35,397 200.2 202.4 9.49 9.55 21,543 35,385 200.2 202.3 9.49 9.55 5,665 9,988 197.7 197.4 9.28 9.44
Ivanovo Region 48,810 7,638 12,244 186.5 190.2 9.52 9.66 7,613 12,234 186.5 189.9 9.52 9.67 1,509 3,213 193.9 188.7 9.34 9.45
Kaluga Region 77,955 11,373 23,236 198.7 201.9 9.43 9.57 11,366 23,234 198.7 201.8 9.43 9.57 2,723 6,147 196.0 197.2 9.25 9.40
Kostroma Region 33,933 6,366 9,434 191.6 196.8 9.46 9.54 6,361 9,431 191.6 196.8 9.46 9.54 1,233 2,219 192.6 193.0 9.31 9.37
Kursk Region 63,280 10,088 16,108 196.2 195.5 9.47 9.59 10,081 16,103 196.2 195.3 9.47 9.59 1,508 3,115 199.7 200.8 9.32 9.46
Lipetsk Region 65,126 9,466 15,476 202.6 207.1 9.52 9.68 9,430 15,460 202.6 206.6 9.52 9.69 1,731 3,535 203.5 209.6 9.32 9.52
Moscow Region 853,918 74,383 227,653 200.3 204.3 9.46 9.55 74,377 227,641 200.3 204.3 9.46 9.55 23,029 77,471 200.4 198.4 9.18 9.28
Orel Region 45,520 7,832 12,753 198.0 196.8 9.46 9.62 7,830 12,752 198.0 196.8 9.46 9.63 2,048 3,714 188.1 181.0 9.20 9.43
Ryazan Region 69,483 12,286 21,250 199.2 201.3 9.46 9.58 12,278 21,242 199.3 201.3 9.46 9.58 4,706 8,517 196.1 196.3 9.33 9.37
Smolensk Region 58,123 8,475 14,842 201.2 206.7 9.46 9.55 8,474 14,841 201.2 206.7 9.46 9.55 1,948 4,014 201.3 197.2 9.31 9.33
Tambov Region 54,265 8,322 14,431 206.9 211.6 9.49 9.76 8,311 14,427 206.9 211.4 9.49 9.77 2,271 4,218 204.9 202.7 9.35 9.61
Tver Region 82,452 12,665 23,481 203.8 206.2 9.50 9.66 12,659 23,478 203.8 206.1 9.50 9.66 2,616 5,700 202.4 200.4 9.35 9.60
Tula Region 103,288 13,783 26,149 198.1 204.5 9.49 9.61 13,778 26,145 198.1 204.4 9.49 9.61 3,674 7,809 197.9 202.6 9.32 9.41
Yaroslavl Region 78,707 11,528 18,662 189.2 189.4 9.52 9.62 11,517 18,645 189.2 189.4 9.52 9.62 2,311 4,532 191.6 180.5 9.34 9.43
Moscow 1,497,050 77,773 338,247 204.5 205.9 9.43 9.59 77,749 338,178 204.5 205.9 9.43 9.59 32,955 140,549 202.6 204.8 9.16 9.26
NORTH-WESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 1,343,646 162,664 357,567 190.3 193.3 9.51 9.62 162,528 357,445 190.3 193.2 9.51 9.62 56,864 133,027 187.7 185.0 9.36 9.53
Republic of Karelia 52,453 7,333 12,427 183.9 182.8 9.46 9.59 7,320 12,422 183.9 182.5 9.46 9.59 2,079 4,063 189.1 181.0 9.30 9.40
Republic of Komi 78,637 11,624 21,300 186.0 196.0 9.44 9.55 11,622 21,299 186.0 195.9 9.44 9.55 2,945 5,928 176.2 186.2 9.30 9.49
Arkhangelsk Region 98,215 14,768 27,857 179.8 181.3 9.34 9.45 14,737 27,842 179.8 181.1 9.34 9.45 3,433 7,581 173.2 168.3 9.37 9.45
including Nenets Autonomous Area 4,502 530 1,265 181.2 179.2 6.80 6.29 530 1,265 181.2 179.2 6.80 6.29 108 257 170.1 180.8 9.09 8.60
Arkhangelsk Region excluding Nenets Autonomous Area 93,714 14,238 26,592 179.7 181.3 9.46 9.55 14,207 26,577 179.8 181.2 9.46 9.56 3,325 7,324 173.4 168.1 9.38 9.47
Vologda Region 80,503 13,478 19,662 185.7 187.0 9.48 9.57 13,448 19,644 185.7 186.7 9.48 9.58 3,149 5,383 187.4 173.8 9.31 9.43
Kaliningrad Region 77,301 9,707 17,282 189.8 199.5 9.57 9.69 9,692 17,273 189.8 199.1 9.57 9.69 3,354 5,833 184.8 196.5 9.42 9.64
Leningrad Region 161,776 19,557 44,400 194.1 200.8 9.56 9.69 19,541 44,389 194.2 200.7 9.56 9.70 6,926 16,335 193.2 196.0 9.40 9.58
Murmansk Region 82,335 8,117 15,488 172.5 177.8 9.49 9.57 8,116 15,488 172.5 177.8 9.49 9.57 2,305 5,577 170.7 177.1 9.34 9.47
Novgorod Region 38,059 5,950 9,714 191.2 193.8 9.45 9.63 5,933 9,703 191.3 193.4 9.45 9.63 1,507 2,886 184.2 188.3 9.20 9.46
Pskov Region 36,143 5,245 8,469 189.3 184.0 9.46 9.56 5,245 8,469 189.3 184.0 9.46 9.56 1,388 2,650 191.1 195.0 9.36 9.43
Saint Petersburg 638,224 66,885 180,968 194.0 195.8 9.55 9.64 66,874 180,918 194.0 195.8 9.55 9.64 29,778 76,791 190.2 184.9 9.37 9.55
SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 812,057 98,376 175,045 202.9 207.9 9.55 9.65 98,345 175,014 202.9 207.9 9.55 9.65 28,048 52,933 202.7 204.4 9.40 9.54
Republic of Adygeya (Adygeya) 20,726 2,195 3,620 199.8 199.0 9.62 9.75 2,194 3,620 199.8 198.9 9.62 9.74 560 1,002 206.8 196.6 9.39 9.60
Republic of Kalmykia 19,047 2,467 5,016 206.7 208.9 9.53 9.64 2,466 5,015 206.7 208.8 9.53 9.64 616 1,575 211.4 222.2 9.37 9.36
Republic of Crimea 7,009 898 2,031 206.9 216.3 9.52 9.55 898 2,031 206.9 216.3 9.52 9.55 383 820 206.3 219.4 9.44 9.35
Krasnodar Territory 328,429 37,797 67,698 206.6 210.5 9.62 9.71 37,782 67,677 206.6 210.5 9.61 9.71 13,043 23,011 205.8 207.0 9.47 9.61
Astrakhan Region 59,149 7,306 13,030 204.7 203.6 9.45 9.51 7,306 13,030 204.7 203.6 9.45 9.51 1,177 2,593 203.8 201.1 9.29 9.05
Volgograd Region 136,973 19,658 32,686 198.2 206.7 9.49 9.59 19,658 32,686 198.2 206.7 9.49 9.59 3,759 7,564 199.4 209.2 9.33 9.43
Rostov Region 237,734 27,673 50,114 200.4 206.4 9.52 9.63 27,659 50,106 200.5 206.4 9.52 9.63 8,357 16,061 198.6 194.7 9.34 9.60
Sevastopol 2,991 382 849 197.5 199.3 9.54 9.64 382 849 197.5 199.3 9.54 9.64 153 308 196.5 196.9 9.38 9.49
NORTH-CAUCASIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 268,405 31,988 57,699 204.8 208.3 9.56 9.76 31,981 57,697 204.8 208.3 9.56 9.76 5,430 11,544 205.0 210.6 9.34 9.39
Republic of Daghestan 33,129 3,649 8,601 214.9 219.8 9.52 9.79 3,649 8,601 214.9 219.8 9.52 9.78 628 1,834 218.5 206.9 9.31 9.48
Republic of Ingushetia 3,942 188 462 208.1 256.2 9.73 9.96 188 462 208.1 256.2 9.73 9.96 80 160 289.6 341.3 9.71 10.28
Kabardino-Balkar Republic 23,799 2,889 5,493 203.3 198.3 9.56 9.66 2,888 5,493 203.3 198.3 9.56 9.67 440 1,054 209.3 217.8 9.41 9.33
Karachai-Cherkess Republic 15,934 1,803 3,055 214.7 220.2 9.73 9.83 1,803 3,055 214.7 220.2 9.73 9.83 183 371 215.8 237.6 9.46 9.42
Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 27,321 2,777 5,641 199.5 210.3 9.61 9.81 2,774 5,640 199.5 210.3 9.61 9.82 616 1,361 203.4 221.1 9.47 9.71
Chechen Republic 16,702 845 1,804 203.8 212.3 9.75 9.91 845 1,804 203.8 212.3 9.75 9.91 98 296 210.6 220.7 9.62 9.78
Stavropol Territory 147,579 19,837 32,644 202.5 204.4 9.54 9.74 19,834 32,643 202.5 204.4 9.54 9.73 3,385 6,468 197.9 203.4 9.28 9.28
VOLGA FEDERAL DISTRICT 1,915,995 328,387 541,393 193.9 197.9 9.48 9.58 328,043 541,135 193.9 197.8 9.48 9.58 73,390 138,200 191.6 190.8 9.23 9.34
Republic of Bashkortostan 276,786 50,369 87,438 186.3 194.7 9.51 9.60 50,338 87,364 186.3 194.6 9.51 9.60 12,769 24,642 186.3 191.7 9.35 9.46
Mari El Republic 39,368 8,046 11,955 190.8 196.3 9.49 9.63 8,046 11,955 190.8 196.3 9.49 9.63 1,830 3,054 190.7 186.8 9.33 9.47
Republic of Mordovia 41,585 7,389 13,343 207.1 207.0 9.42 9.58 7,361 13,332 207.1 206.5 9.42 9.59 1,896 4,140 205.5 205.7 9.27 9.43
Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 268,101 47,623 86,181 191.4 194.4 9.47 9.53 47,576 86,155 191.4 194.4 9.47 9.54 10,962 22,950 193.0 194.6 9.07 9.28
Udmurt Republic 108,068 19,777 29,416 190.0 193.9 9.54 9.65 19,725 29,389 190.0 193.8 9.53 9.66 4,723 8,135 188.3 184.0 9.31 9.47
Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia 78,531 18,059 28,407 197.7 198.9 9.41 9.49 18,033 28,401 197.7 198.8 9.41 9.50 5,549 9,450 191.8 189.5 9.24 9.30
Perm Territory 195,022 28,411 45,882 193.3 197.3 9.53 9.62 28,392 45,856 193.3 197.2 9.53 9.61 5,917 11,052 190.1 181.4 9.33 9.43
Kirov Region 76,536 16,483 24,202 202.4 209.1 9.48 9.60 16,467 24,193 202.4 209.0 9.48 9.60 3,133 5,651 202.7 202.3 9.27 9.26
Nizhny Novgorod Region 207,015 30,138 53,244 192.1 194.1 9.48 9.54 30,112 53,219 192.1 194.0 9.48 9.54 6,083 12,503 192.7 189.2 9.26 9.25
Orenburg Region 127,244 23,494 36,353 200.3 205.0 9.49 9.60 23,452 36,339 200.4 204.7 9.49 9.61 4,839 7,978 190.3 187.4 9.22 9.27
Penza Region 71,775 11,451 18,435 197.6 200.4 9.45 9.59 11,444 18,432 197.6 200.4 9.45 9.59 2,901 5,211 193.2 190.2 9.22 9.20
Samara Region 219,202 31,104 51,619 196.2 199.1 9.42 9.51 31,082 51,598 196.2 199.1 9.42 9.51 6,235 12,022 189.1 191.2 8.97 9.17
Saratov Region 134,954 21,808 34,334 202.7 205.6 9.53 9.67 21,804 34,331 202.7 205.6 9.53 9.67 3,104 6,040 201.9 193.6 9.34 9.47
Ulyanovsk Region 71,807 14,235 20,585 190.8 194.3 9.49 9.60 14,211 20,571 190.8 194.2 9.49 9.60 3,449 5,372 187.7 177.9 9.30 9.32
URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 1,033,353 140,420 270,212 195.8 199.7 9.52 9.58 140,363 270,140 195.8 199.7 9.52 9.58 32,582 70,752 190.6 188.3 9.36 9.45
Kurgan Region 48,712 8,095 12,084 205.2 213.0 9.48 9.58 8,094 12,084 205.2 213.0 9.48 9.58 1,438 2,440 208.0 219.0 9.43 9.52
Sverdlovsk Region 351,826 47,042 89,152 193.8 196.8 9.53 9.58 47,026 89,113 193.9 196.8 9.53 9.58 12,675 27,265 191.6 189.0 9.39 9.45
Tyumen Region 425,328 53,802 122,143 202.0 206.9 9.50 9.54 53,780 122,127 202.0 206.9 9.50 9.54 12,664 30,521 190.8 188.9 9.32 9.40
including Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra 205,968 25,765 61,307 197.7 203.0 9.49 9.47 25,759 61,300 197.7 203.0 9.49 9.47 5,184 13,347 183.2 182.3 9.27 9.38
including Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 79,239 9,710 26,007 204.0 209.0 9.42 9.54 9,709 26,006 204.0 209.0 9.42 9.54 2,573 7,377 191.4 185.4 9.28 9.40
Tyumen Region, excluding Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 140,122 18,327 34,829 208.2 212.5 9.56 9.65 18,312 34,822 208.2 212.6 9.56 9.65 4,907 9,796 200.8 201.3 9.40 9.44
Chelyabinsk Region 207,487 31,481 46,833 181.0 182.5 9.60 9.72 31,463 46,815 181.1 182.1 9.59 9.72 5,805 10,526 183.4 176.9 9.37 9.56
SIBERIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 1,230,793 179,177 301,752 190.0 194.6 9.51 9.56 179,116 301,711 190.0 194.5 9.51 9.56 33,754 66,723 187.9 188.8 9.33 9.38
Altai Republic 11,467 1,011 1,365 183.5 195.6 9.68 9.89 1,011 1,365 183.5 195.6 9.68 9.89 125 221 186.5 174.5 9.29 9.40
Republic of Tuva 19,233 1,961 4,277 192.7 196.3 9.51 9.89 1,961 4,277 192.7 196.3 9.51 9.89 102 263 202.2 235.8 9.00 9.82
Republic of Khakassia 30,938 4,875 7,551 182.3 186.3 9.50 9.65 4,874 7,551 182.3 186.2 9.50 9.65 809 1,400 177.3 169.9 9.31 9.48
Altai Territory 135,409 24,161 34,554 189.8 191.0 9.52 9.60 24,147 34,547 189.8 190.8 9.52 9.61 4,998 8,215 189.3 179.2 9.33 9.25
Krasnoyarsk Territory 229,964 33,120 59,014 182.2 187.0 9.54 9.57 33,115 59,009 182.2 186.9 9.54 9.57 8,595 17,575 175.4 173.5 9.37 9.44
Irkutsk Region 195,000 24,379 42,345 179.7 181.9 9.53 9.62 24,370 42,341 179.7 181.8 9.53 9.62 3,814 7,690 174.3 167.8 9.35 9.37
Kemerovo Region 171,628 25,861 38,902 178.5 184.8 9.50 9.67 25,854 38,898 178.6 184.8 9.50 9.67 4,054 7,678 180.2 192.2 9.31 9.62
Novosibirsk Region 228,450 32,984 62,317 205.4 210.1 9.52 9.46 32,968 62,308 205.4 210.1 9.52 9.46 8,314 16,961 206.0 209.1 9.34 9.27
Omsk Region 129,974 20,256 33,086 203.3 206.3 9.48 9.54 20,247 33,076 203.3 206.2 9.48 9.54 1,974 4,440 202.2 198.9 9.27 9.42
Tomsk Region 78,731 10,569 18,340 189.9 199.8 9.45 9.38 10,569 18,340 189.9 199.8 9.45 9.38 969 2,280 195.6 211.2 9.19 9.38
FAR-EASTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 658,901 73,662 165,591 190.5 194.7 9.54 9.65 73,622 165,568 190.5 194.7 9.54 9.65 13,783 35,646 183.4 181.5 9.39 9.57
Republic of Buryatia 55,435 6,306 10,959 178.8 185.0 9.51 9.65 6,305 10,958 178.8 185.0 9.51 9.65 1,068 2,135 180.7 188.1 9.27 9.57
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 105,568 12,782 33,881 194.4 198.8 9.62 9.75 12,753 33,864 194.5 198.7 9.62 9.75 4,002 11,128 189.0 187.5 9.53 9.62
Trans-Baikal Territory 65,130 8,044 15,281 185.2 188.7 9.49 9.68 8,044 15,281 185.2 188.7 9.49 9.68 1,090 2,558 183.3 182.3 9.42 9.59
Kamchatka Territory 33,824 3,260 7,742 178.7 189.0 9.54 9.70 3,259 7,742 178.7 189.0 9.54 9.70 776 2,089 162.2 152.4 9.42 9.65
Primorye Territory 140,753 14,109 32,466 191.7 197.6 9.54 9.58 14,107 32,464 191.7 197.6 9.54 9.58 2,095 5,316 186.3 190.4 9.32 9.39
Khabarovsk Territory 113,468 12,640 28,221 197.3 198.5 9.52 9.63 12,640 28,221 197.3 199.0 9.52 9.63 1,843 4,853 188.6 172.6 9.32 9.74
Amur Region 58,923 7,811 15,325 190.5 198.0 9.52 9.63 7,805 15,321 190.5 197.9 9.52 9.64 947 2,057 184.3 179.0 9.36 9.51
Magadan Region 19,111 2,305 5,087 181.5 186.2 9.49 9.68 2,304 5,086 181.5 186.1 9.49 9.68 484 1,297 175.2 170.0 9.38 9.52
Sakhalin Region 51,670 4,598 12,962 189.8 191.1 9.47 9.58 4,598 12,962 189.8 191.1 9.47 9.58 1,234 3,546 173.3 177.9 9.23 9.58
Jewish Autonomous Region 9,787 1,272 2,206 192.4 173.7 9.52 9.73 1,272 2,206 192.4 173.7 9.52 9.73 86 203 183.0 156.5 9.34 9.62
Chukotka Autonomous Area 5,233 535 1,461 179.8 199.3 9.46 9.84 535 1,461 179.8 199.3 9.46 9.84 158 466 167.6 135.5 9.25 9.57

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 30.08.2019