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Selected Indicators of Loans in Rubles Granted by 30 Largest Banks to Resident Individuals

volume of loans total, million rubles including
housing loans of which:
number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % mortgage loans of which:
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % against the pledge of claims under share construction participation agreements
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, %
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month
The Russian Federation 6,669,263 842,890 1,673,787 194.7 196.4 9.54 9.36 842,260 1,673,319 194.8 196.4 9.54 9.36 218,113 506,808 194.5 194.9 9.33 9.03
CENTRAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 2,158,390 203,374 523,557 199.5 201.3 9.49 9.31 203,223 523,438 199.5 201.3 9.49 9.31 61,994 186,700 200.0 200.5 9.25 8.96
Belgorod Region 56,617 7,049 12,103 192.4 194.1 9.48 9.41 7,043 12,099 192.4 194.1 9.48 9.41 1,042 2,337 199.5 202.8 9.26 9.19
Bryansk Region 38,727 6,364 10,105 194.4 200.2 9.48 9.32 6,354 10,101 194.5 200.2 9.48 9.32 1,828 3,207 193.0 191.1 9.32 9.03
Vladimir Region 46,737 7,495 12,398 196.8 202.7 9.50 9.33 7,491 12,396 196.8 202.7 9.50 9.33 1,598 3,221 196.1 189.5 9.30 8.98
Voronezh Region 85,292 13,367 21,488 200.1 200.8 9.52 9.40 13,352 21,480 200.1 200.8 9.52 9.40 3,678 6,399 198.5 196.5 9.28 9.15
Ivanovo Region 29,824 4,689 7,323 185.2 187.1 9.55 9.41 4,671 7,316 185.3 187.0 9.55 9.41 946 1,996 196.3 190.7 9.42 9.27
Kaluga Region 48,412 7,132 14,287 196.8 197.7 9.46 9.31 7,128 14,286 196.8 197.8 9.46 9.31 1,799 3,971 196.4 188.6 9.28 8.91
Kostroma Region 20,698 4,006 5,721 188.6 188.8 9.48 9.38 4,002 5,719 188.7 188.8 9.48 9.38 801 1,405 193.6 183.9 9.33 9.12
Kursk Region 39,023 6,415 9,920 194.4 199.2 9.48 9.36 6,409 9,917 194.4 199.3 9.48 9.36 997 1,999 200.2 203.0 9.35 9.22
Lipetsk Region 40,233 6,071 9,648 201.4 201.2 9.54 9.44 6,041 9,635 201.6 201.4 9.54 9.44 1,142 2,273 204.0 203.5 9.38 9.13
Moscow Region 525,009 46,330 138,210 198.1 201.9 9.51 9.28 46,327 138,204 198.1 201.9 9.51 9.28 14,854 48,745 199.3 204.3 9.23 8.88
Orel Region 28,119 4,820 7,689 196.7 196.8 9.45 9.28 4,818 7,688 196.7 196.8 9.45 9.29 1,260 2,324 191.0 197.8 9.25 8.95
Ryazan Region 43,093 7,564 13,040 198.2 199.0 9.49 9.35 7,559 13,036 198.2 199.0 9.49 9.35 2,982 5,440 197.1 192.6 9.37 9.12
Smolensk Region 35,897 5,136 8,867 200.3 205.7 9.48 9.38 5,135 8,866 200.3 205.7 9.48 9.38 1,189 2,408 202.1 200.7 9.33 9.22
Tambov Region 33,677 5,231 8,856 205.4 205.5 9.51 9.39 5,221 8,853 205.4 205.5 9.51 9.39 1,436 2,658 204.7 203.0 9.38 9.12
Tver Region 51,086 7,908 14,384 201.7 203.8 9.52 9.43 7,905 14,382 201.7 203.8 9.52 9.43 1,631 3,545 201.8 202.7 9.38 9.12
Tula Region 63,937 8,743 16,173 195.5 196.9 9.52 9.36 8,740 16,172 195.5 196.9 9.52 9.36 2,341 4,854 196.6 199.0 9.37 9.10
Yaroslavl Region 49,793 7,322 11,468 187.9 184.1 9.56 9.39 7,311 11,452 187.9 184.2 9.56 9.39 1,405 2,741 193.0 178.2 9.39 9.21
Moscow 922,215 47,732 201,879 203.1 203.5 9.47 9.29 47,716 201,838 203.1 203.5 9.47 9.29 21,065 87,177 201.8 201.2 9.21 8.94
NORTH-WESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 830,663 101,217 218,231 189.5 189.3 9.56 9.29 101,122 218,156 189.5 189.3 9.56 9.29 36,615 84,626 188.7 187.1 9.41 8.99
Republic of Karelia 32,070 4,527 7,521 182.0 180.3 9.48 9.23 4,514 7,515 182.0 180.3 9.48 9.22 1,417 2,773 188.1 186.9 9.33 9.01
Republic of Komi 48,297 7,182 12,947 183.7 183.7 9.47 9.29 7,180 12,946 183.7 183.7 9.47 9.29 1,761 3,525 175.3 182.2 9.30 9.02
Arkhangelsk Region 60,104 9,220 17,007 179.0 183.0 9.35 9.20 9,202 16,998 179.1 183.1 9.34 9.20 2,094 4,594 175.4 179.7 9.39 9.07
including Nenets Autonomous Area 2,840 344 828 184.2 169.7 6.69 6.69 344 828 184.2 169.7 6.69 6.69 65 160 174.2 177.5 9.03 8.68
Arkhangelsk Region excluding Nenets Autonomous Area 57,263 8,876 16,180 178.8 183.6 9.49 9.29 8,858 16,170 178.8 183.6 9.48 9.29 2,029 4,434 175.5 179.8 9.41 9.09
Vologda Region 49,182 8,553 12,251 186.5 186.1 9.53 9.37 8,531 12,241 186.6 186.2 9.53 9.37 2,089 3,524 190.9 188.1 9.37 9.06
Kaliningrad Region 47,429 5,854 10,221 187.7 186.5 9.61 9.32 5,842 10,213 187.8 186.6 9.61 9.32 2,150 3,705 184.4 184.6 9.45 9.06
Leningrad Region 98,911 12,089 26,730 191.9 190.9 9.60 9.37 12,078 26,724 191.9 190.9 9.60 9.37 4,444 10,219 192.2 190.5 9.44 9.05
Murmansk Region 50,357 4,926 9,156 171.3 171.7 9.52 9.27 4,925 9,156 171.3 171.7 9.52 9.27 1,413 3,328 172.0 169.3 9.36 8.99
Novgorod Region 23,816 3,698 5,978 189.9 187.8 9.48 9.25 3,686 5,969 190.0 187.9 9.48 9.24 950 1,799 184.4 188.9 9.25 8.82
Pskov Region 22,247 3,180 5,039 190.9 198.2 9.50 9.26 3,180 5,039 190.9 198.2 9.50 9.26 844 1,593 190.4 204.3 9.42 8.98
Saint Petersburg 398,251 41,988 111,380 193.5 192.7 9.60 9.28 41,984 111,354 193.6 192.6 9.60 9.28 19,453 49,564 191.6 188.5 9.42 8.95
SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 502,021 61,243 107,141 201.6 204.8 9.59 9.43 61,224 107,118 201.6 204.8 9.59 9.43 17,804 33,451 202.3 204.1 9.45 9.22
Republic of Adygeya (Adygeya) 12,735 1,339 2,163 197.6 204.5 9.67 9.46 1,338 2,162 197.6 204.5 9.67 9.46 357 625 208.4 211.9 9.42 9.08
Republic of Kalmykia 11,789 1,523 2,917 203.7 206.6 9.53 9.39 1,523 2,917 203.7 206.6 9.53 9.39 379 928 209.8 208.7 9.40 9.04
Republic of Crimea 4,177 556 1,218 203.3 212.2 9.56 9.45 556 1,218 203.3 212.2 9.56 9.45 243 508 203.9 208.8 9.43 9.14
Krasnodar Territory 201,673 23,474 41,213 205.7 211.2 9.66 9.47 23,463 41,196 205.7 211.2 9.66 9.47 8,118 14,310 206.0 209.7 9.53 9.30
Astrakhan Region 36,672 4,541 8,005 204.1 205.0 9.50 9.37 4,541 8,005 204.1 205.0 9.50 9.37 799 1,694 201.6 198.6 9.40 9.18
Volgograd Region 84,164 12,266 19,952 195.4 197.1 9.52 9.35 12,266 19,952 195.4 197.1 9.52 9.35 2,454 4,884 195.9 196.1 9.38 9.11
Rostov Region 149,082 17,323 31,210 199.7 201.1 9.56 9.43 17,316 31,204 199.7 201.1 9.56 9.43 5,361 10,320 199.4 200.5 9.39 9.20
Sevastopol 1,729 221 463 193.2 174.3 9.54 9.32 221 463 193.2 174.3 9.54 9.32 93 181 194.5 178.8 9.37 9.00
NORTH-CAUCASIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 167,299 19,576 34,724 202.8 204.3 9.57 9.48 19,569 34,722 202.8 204.4 9.57 9.47 3,494 7,169 202.0 203.4 9.37 9.16
Republic of Daghestan 20,674 2,215 5,119 212.6 214.3 9.52 9.39 2,215 5,119 212.6 214.3 9.52 9.39 399 1,124 218.3 208.4 9.39 9.06
Republic of Ingushetia 2,546 82 246 176.5 216.9 9.63 9.57 82 246 176.5 216.9 9.63 9.57 26 57 260.5 294.5 9.48 9.53
Kabardino-Balkar Republic 14,869 1,766 3,373 204.0 202.4 9.58 9.55 1,765 3,373 204.0 202.0 9.58 9.55 279 641 208.1 205.7 9.47 9.25
Karachai-Cherkess Republic 9,973 1,144 1,877 209.1 203.5 9.78 9.64 1,144 1,877 209.1 203.5 9.78 9.64 128 259 216.9 200.7 9.48 9.32
Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 17,044 1,744 3,480 196.2 199.3 9.63 9.47 1,741 3,479 196.2 198.9 9.63 9.47 414 880 196.9 206.0 9.47 9.24
Chechen Republic 11,031 524 1,110 199.4 203.2 9.70 9.47 524 1,110 199.4 203.2 9.70 9.47 63 193 192.7 197.1 9.56 9.35
Stavropol Territory 91,162 12,101 19,520 201.1 203.3 9.53 9.47 12,098 19,519 201.1 203.7 9.53 9.46 2,185 4,014 196.2 198.9 9.31 9.12
VOLGA FEDERAL DISTRICT 1,190,317 207,222 333,055 192.6 194.4 9.53 9.38 206,969 332,903 192.7 194.6 9.53 9.38 47,010 86,838 191.9 192.4 9.28 8.98
Republic of Bashkortostan 170,925 32,055 53,656 183.7 188.0 9.55 9.39 32,034 53,632 183.9 189.5 9.55 9.39 7,875 14,664 184.4 186.2 9.40 9.13
Mari El Republic 24,258 4,959 7,203 187.7 189.0 9.53 9.45 4,959 7,203 187.7 189.0 9.53 9.45 1,097 1,851 190.4 182.3 9.40 9.14
Republic of Mordovia 25,646 4,608 8,171 205.7 205.3 9.45 9.32 4,588 8,162 205.9 205.3 9.45 9.32 1,227 2,661 204.7 202.5 9.31 9.03
Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 164,878 29,824 52,307 190.3 192.2 9.53 9.32 29,787 52,286 190.4 192.2 9.53 9.32 6,915 14,091 192.6 198.5 9.08 8.67
Udmurt Republic 66,712 12,235 17,846 189.8 191.1 9.56 9.43 12,197 17,828 189.9 191.1 9.56 9.43 2,970 5,124 190.5 182.2 9.36 9.09
Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia 48,417 11,248 17,331 197.2 190.8 9.45 9.30 11,228 17,327 197.3 190.9 9.45 9.30 3,628 6,142 193.5 180.6 9.30 9.07
Perm Territory 121,971 18,082 28,522 192.2 195.9 9.60 9.46 18,067 28,511 192.2 195.9 9.60 9.46 4,063 7,400 190.3 195.8 9.41 9.11
Kirov Region 47,295 10,420 14,944 199.9 204.4 9.50 9.32 10,407 14,939 200.0 204.3 9.50 9.31 2,085 3,693 204.2 195.2 9.33 8.99
Nizhny Novgorod Region 130,445 19,032 32,972 190.8 192.3 9.53 9.39 19,017 32,955 190.8 192.4 9.53 9.39 3,984 8,001 193.5 195.2 9.33 9.06
Orenburg Region 77,991 14,584 21,902 198.2 200.8 9.52 9.38 14,546 21,890 198.3 200.9 9.52 9.37 3,102 5,022 189.3 188.3 9.28 8.99
Penza Region 44,701 7,209 11,315 196.0 200.7 9.49 9.29 7,205 11,314 196.1 200.7 9.49 9.29 1,871 3,296 193.0 194.8 9.29 8.97
Samara Region 138,076 20,018 32,613 196.0 197.8 9.49 9.36 20,005 32,598 196.0 197.8 9.49 9.36 3,974 7,635 191.0 193.0 9.05 8.81
Saratov Region 83,689 13,814 21,414 202.9 198.5 9.56 9.50 13,811 21,412 202.9 198.5 9.56 9.49 1,913 3,787 203.6 203.3 9.38 9.03
Ulyanovsk Region 45,313 9,134 12,857 189.7 191.7 9.52 9.38 9,118 12,848 189.8 191.8 9.52 9.38 2,306 3,470 188.6 199.1 9.37 9.05
URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 640,063 89,995 169,244 195.2 195.7 9.58 9.41 89,955 169,189 195.2 195.8 9.58 9.41 20,671 43,965 191.3 193.8 9.43 9.11
Kurgan Region 30,101 5,058 7,390 203.8 208.7 9.52 9.39 5,057 7,390 203.8 208.7 9.52 9.39 863 1,455 206.3 204.8 9.50 9.29
Sverdlovsk Region 221,155 29,984 55,700 193.5 195.3 9.61 9.44 29,970 55,662 193.6 195.3 9.61 9.44 8,146 17,182 192.9 196.2 9.47 9.08
Tyumen Region 259,179 34,328 76,076 201.0 200.4 9.55 9.39 34,313 76,069 201.0 200.4 9.55 9.39 7,987 18,717 191.0 193.3 9.38 9.13
including Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra 126,264 16,144 37,566 196.2 197.5 9.56 9.40 16,142 37,564 196.2 197.5 9.56 9.40 3,168 7,945 183.5 187.4 9.33 9.07
including Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 49,680 6,250 16,493 203.3 197.6 9.46 9.34 6,249 16,491 203.3 197.6 9.46 9.34 1,657 4,617 191.1 190.8 9.30 9.08
Tyumen Region, excluding Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 83,235 11,934 22,018 207.3 207.9 9.60 9.42 11,922 22,014 207.3 208.0 9.60 9.43 3,162 6,155 200.6 204.3 9.51 9.26
Chelyabinsk Region 129,628 20,625 30,077 181.4 182.5 9.65 9.43 20,615 30,068 181.4 182.5 9.65 9.43 3,675 6,610 184.5 187.0 9.43 9.09
SIBERIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 845,419 122,848 202,440 188.3 190.2 9.55 9.42 122,805 202,415 188.3 190.2 9.55 9.42 23,255 45,035 188.0 187.9 9.39 9.17
Altai Republic 7,178 649 832 179.7 180.8 9.72 9.69 649 832 179.7 180.8 9.72 9.69 83 150 183.4 147.1 9.34 9.36
Republic of Buryatia 34,275 3,926 6,522 174.7 177.8 9.52 9.42 3,925 6,521 174.7 177.8 9.52 9.42 616 1,175 175.9 185.1 9.25 9.13
Republic of Tuva 12,146 1,205 2,615 191.4 194.4 9.45 9.33 1,205 2,615 191.4 194.4 9.45 9.33 58 154 202.9 210.3 8.61 8.71
Republic of Khakassia 19,366 3,089 4,598 180.7 183.3 9.51 9.38 3,089 4,598 180.7 183.3 9.51 9.38 511 868 180.2 190.7 9.35 9.07
Altai Territory 84,445 15,289 21,222 188.7 191.5 9.56 9.41 15,281 21,219 188.7 191.5 9.56 9.41 3,397 5,446 190.2 191.4 9.40 9.15
Trans-Baikal Territory 40,463 5,110 9,484 184.5 183.2 9.49 9.37 5,110 9,484 184.5 183.2 9.49 9.37 698 1,646 185.4 194.9 9.46 9.15
Krasnoyarsk Territory 145,010 21,184 36,612 180.8 177.7 9.59 9.42 21,181 36,609 180.8 177.7 9.59 9.42 5,543 11,094 175.0 167.2 9.45 9.19
Irkutsk Region 121,667 15,501 26,164 178.7 181.3 9.55 9.43 15,493 26,161 178.7 181.3 9.55 9.43 2,440 4,812 175.2 174.8 9.40 9.18
Kemerovo Region 106,420 16,370 23,993 177.0 176.6 9.52 9.41 16,364 23,991 177.0 176.6 9.52 9.42 2,608 4,774 179.2 179.9 9.34 9.10
Novosibirsk Region 144,231 20,719 38,343 204.9 208.8 9.58 9.43 20,707 38,337 205.0 208.8 9.58 9.43 5,235 10,458 207.7 207.9 9.42 9.25
Omsk Region 81,370 13,042 20,657 203.4 206.4 9.51 9.43 13,037 20,651 203.4 206.4 9.51 9.43 1,372 2,916 203.1 204.1 9.33 9.10
Tomsk Region 48,849 6,764 11,396 188.1 194.0 9.50 9.39 6,764 11,396 188.1 194.0 9.50 9.39 694 1,543 194.2 216.5 9.23 8.66
FAR-EASTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 335,090 37,415 85,395 190.1 192.5 9.56 9.45 37,393 85,380 190.1 192.5 9.56 9.45 7,270 19,026 183.7 185.1 9.42 9.19
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 66,621 8,024 20,946 191.9 198.1 9.64 9.52 8,007 20,934 191.9 198.2 9.64 9.53 2,590 7,145 188.9 199.7 9.57 9.33
Kamchatka Territory 20,824 1,989 4,527 177.9 184.3 9.54 9.43 1,989 4,527 177.9 184.3 9.54 9.43 433 1,104 161.7 163.9 9.42 9.14
Primorye Territory 86,624 8,730 19,291 189.0 193.8 9.58 9.45 8,729 19,291 189.0 193.8 9.58 9.45 1,275 3,133 184.2 187.4 9.35 9.10
Khabarovsk Territory 71,114 8,120 17,546 196.9 199.5 9.52 9.37 8,120 17,546 196.9 199.3 9.52 9.37 1,177 3,045 190.9 188.3 9.31 9.09
Amur Region 36,866 5,051 9,622 187.9 186.6 9.53 9.46 5,048 9,620 188.0 186.6 9.53 9.46 583 1,222 186.8 167.7 9.41 9.21
Magadan Region 11,454 1,387 2,996 180.0 164.1 9.51 9.36 1,386 2,995 180.0 164.0 9.51 9.36 291 764 169.5 164.7 9.44 9.17
Sakhalin Region 32,054 2,939 8,171 188.3 185.5 9.49 9.37 2,939 8,171 188.3 185.5 9.49 9.37 766 2,203 172.1 163.9 9.22 9.05
Jewish Autonomous Region 6,169 841 1,419 188.0 179.8 9.53 9.64 841 1,419 188.0 179.8 9.53 9.64 51 115 180.7 190.4 9.30 8.83
Chukotka Autonomous Area 3,364 334 876 175.9 164.7 9.39 9.36 334 876 175.9 164.7 9.39 9.36 104 295 170.6 159.1 9.19 9.14

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 15.10.2018