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Selected Indicators of Loans in Rubles Granted by 30 Largest Banks to Resident Individuals

volume of loans total, million rubles including
housing loans of which:
number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % mortgage loans of which:
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % against the pledge of claims under share construction participation agreements
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, %
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month
The Russian Federation 1,321,263 166,602 317,082 190.7 190.3 9.74 9.70 166,495 317,018 190.7 190.3 9.74 9.70 44,907 100,550 193.4 192.4 9.56 9.56
CENTRAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 434,046 40,650 99,857 195.7 195.0 9.71 9.67 40,632 99,845 195.7 195.0 9.71 9.67 13,504 38,117 198.8 197.1 9.48 9.47
Belgorod Region 10,677 1,410 2,342 187.6 188.1 9.64 9.59 1,409 2,342 187.6 188.1 9.64 9.59 228 491 191.1 181.6 9.44 9.50
Bryansk Region 7,298 1,257 1,864 187.9 187.9 9.62 9.56 1,257 1,864 187.9 187.9 9.62 9.56 392 627 195.3 191.4 9.53 9.51
Vladimir Region 8,999 1,519 2,440 192.5 190.9 9.67 9.62 1,519 2,440 192.5 190.9 9.67 9.62 311 640 205.0 208.3 9.52 9.56
Voronezh Region 18,451 2,536 3,949 196.3 197.0 9.69 9.68 2,533 3,948 196.3 197.0 9.69 9.68 791 1,283 191.3 191.4 9.38 9.39
Ivanovo Region 6,208 935 1,381 185.0 184.3 9.71 9.64 933 1,380 185.1 184.4 9.70 9.64 207 399 199.6 204.0 9.61 9.57
Kaluga Region 9,245 1,473 2,817 190.0 189.8 9.74 9.67 1,473 2,817 190.0 189.8 9.74 9.67 415 835 195.8 199.3 9.53 9.55
Kostroma Region 3,889 790 1,059 182.7 179.0 9.67 9.57 790 1,059 182.7 179.0 9.67 9.57 173 301 203.3 191.9 9.42 9.38
Kursk Region 7,561 1,320 1,976 191.9 190.4 9.66 9.71 1,319 1,975 191.9 190.4 9.66 9.71 236 453 201.2 199.0 9.53 9.63
Lipetsk Region 7,692 1,237 1,857 194.2 198.9 9.72 9.67 1,233 1,855 194.4 199.1 9.72 9.66 248 500 201.1 197.0 9.59 9.55
Moscow Region 99,950 9,043 26,338 194.1 193.2 9.73 9.70 9,043 26,338 194.1 193.2 9.73 9.70 3,204 10,052 197.7 197.3 9.46 9.47
Orel Region 5,456 1,022 1,574 194.0 194.3 9.69 9.68 1,022 1,574 194.0 194.3 9.69 9.68 290 484 191.9 189.2 9.45 9.44
Ryazan Region 8,381 1,626 2,645 193.7 193.3 9.73 9.73 1,626 2,645 193.7 193.3 9.73 9.73 698 1,193 197.6 200.1 9.57 9.60
Smolensk Region 6,974 1,110 1,845 195.8 192.9 9.72 9.71 1,110 1,845 195.8 192.9 9.72 9.71 262 512 203.8 207.1 9.57 9.55
Tambov Region 6,616 1,081 1,814 200.1 195.9 9.61 9.58 1,079 1,813 200.2 195.9 9.61 9.58 302 574 201.1 198.9 9.55 9.57
Tver Region 9,499 1,550 2,760 196.1 194.6 9.69 9.64 1,550 2,760 196.1 194.6 9.69 9.64 330 694 203.9 197.9 9.54 9.46
Tula Region 12,544 1,748 3,190 186.7 184.1 9.66 9.66 1,747 3,190 186.7 184.1 9.66 9.66 562 1,140 191.0 183.8 9.51 9.59
Yaroslavl Region 11,409 1,442 2,176 183.1 177.2 9.75 9.67 1,440 2,170 182.8 177.2 9.75 9.68 270 505 204.3 194.0 9.67 9.62
Moscow 193,196 9,551 37,829 200.9 200.5 9.73 9.66 9,549 37,828 200.9 200.5 9.73 9.66 4,585 17,431 200.2 197.8 9.47 9.43
NORTH-WESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 165,513 20,635 42,904 187.8 186.8 9.76 9.75 20,619 42,884 187.8 186.8 9.76 9.75 7,949 17,840 189.6 188.4 9.65 9.65
Republic of Karelia 6,145 1,010 1,621 177.0 170.1 9.73 9.73 1,009 1,621 177.0 170.1 9.73 9.73 307 600 181.6 173.7 9.55 9.59
Republic of Komi 8,896 1,472 2,509 176.2 175.5 9.65 9.60 1,472 2,509 176.2 175.5 9.65 9.60 374 692 168.0 164.3 9.54 9.58
Arkhangelsk Region 11,371 1,916 3,457 173.9 172.8 9.48 9.44 1,914 3,456 174.0 172.8 9.48 9.44 418 903 179.3 175.5 9.61 9.59
including Nenets Autonomous Area 505 62 158 192.4 192.5 6.61 6.25 62 158 192.4 192.5 6.61 6.25 11 30 165.0 137.2 9.59 9.43
Arkhangelsk Region excluding Nenets Autonomous Area 10,867 1,854 3,299 173.1 172.0 9.63 9.58 1,852 3,299 173.1 172.0 9.63 9.58 407 873 179.8 176.6 9.61 9.60
Vologda Region 9,382 1,762 2,553 191.2 182.1 9.66 9.68 1,758 2,551 191.2 182.2 9.66 9.68 429 784 205.8 185.1 9.59 9.64
Kaliningrad Region 9,245 1,253 2,164 181.0 178.5 9.86 9.81 1,250 2,162 181.1 178.6 9.86 9.81 488 836 181.6 183.3 9.70 9.62
Leningrad Region 18,908 2,506 5,521 194.2 195.0 9.76 9.76 2,506 5,521 194.2 195.0 9.76 9.76 998 2,258 197.0 200.2 9.66 9.66
Murmansk Region 9,475 975 1,769 169.4 170.0 9.67 9.67 974 1,769 169.4 170.0 9.67 9.67 276 657 170.8 170.2 9.62 9.61
Novgorod Region 4,695 803 1,208 182.7 183.8 9.66 9.63 799 1,206 182.9 184.0 9.65 9.63 210 379 184.0 187.6 9.46 9.55
Pskov Region 4,184 637 985 186.0 184.4 9.73 9.72 637 985 186.0 184.4 9.73 9.72 174 318 189.1 185.2 9.69 9.73
Saint Petersburg 83,212 8,301 21,119 192.8 192.4 9.82 9.82 8,300 21,104 192.8 192.4 9.82 9.82 4,275 10,413 191.6 191.0 9.68 9.67
SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 100,652 11,623 19,465 196.6 196.7 9.78 9.76 11,614 19,461 196.6 196.8 9.78 9.76 3,485 6,389 198.6 196.6 9.66 9.67
Republic of Adygeya (Adygeya) 2,424 246 371 193.8 193.2 9.88 9.88 246 371 193.8 193.2 9.88 9.88 70 102 208.6 204.1 9.70 9.72
Republic of Kalmykia 2,143 284 541 203.8 208.9 9.70 9.68 284 541 203.8 208.9 9.70 9.68 79 196 213.4 221.0 9.60 9.67
Republic of Crimea 677 76 173 186.4 190.8 9.85 9.79 76 173 186.4 190.8 9.85 9.79 30 70 199.7 212.2 9.89 9.88
Krasnodar Territory 39,164 4,478 7,428 200.6 199.4 9.85 9.84 4,473 7,426 200.7 199.4 9.85 9.84 1,644 2,798 200.7 198.1 9.74 9.75
Astrakhan Region 7,152 879 1,489 201.3 204.9 9.63 9.52 879 1,489 201.3 204.9 9.63 9.52 127 308 203.3 201.7 9.62 9.52
Volgograd Region 16,198 2,528 3,978 189.1 191.6 9.71 9.72 2,528 3,978 189.1 191.6 9.71 9.72 536 1,045 187.5 186.3 9.57 9.60
Rostov Region 32,608 3,099 5,421 195.1 193.7 9.78 9.72 3,095 5,419 195.2 193.7 9.78 9.72 988 1,851 198.8 194.9 9.60 9.57
Sevastopol 286 33 64 189.8 215.2 10.11 10.01 33 64 189.8 215.2 10.11 10.01 11 19 184.2 231.1 9.90 9.90
NORTH-CAUCASIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 31,752 3,725 6,434 198.9 199.6 9.73 9.70 3,723 6,434 198.9 199.7 9.73 9.70 728 1,428 198.4 200.8 9.62 9.63
Republic of Daghestan 3,792 397 901 208.2 210.6 9.67 9.65 397 901 208.2 210.6 9.67 9.65 92 238 207.6 219.7 9.77 9.81
Republic of Ingushetia 436 14 38 215.4 210.3 9.64 9.97 14 38 215.4 210.3 9.64 9.97 4 6 243.0 357.7 9.59 9.50
Kabardino-Balkar Republic 2,668 317 603 197.5 193.5 9.75 9.70 317 603 197.5 193.5 9.75 9.70 52 111 196.8 191.4 9.80 9.74
Karachai-Cherkess Republic 1,826 196 308 190.7 183.9 9.85 9.83 196 308 190.7 183.9 9.85 9.83 20 38 178.7 137.2 9.47 9.40
Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 3,276 336 664 199.2 203.1 9.78 9.73 335 664 199.2 203.1 9.78 9.74 98 216 202.3 205.6 9.63 9.61
Chechen Republic 2,292 99 196 188.1 188.5 10.11 10.16 99 196 188.1 188.5 10.11 10.16 14 35 191.9 213.3 9.72 9.70
Stavropol Territory 17,462 2,366 3,724 197.8 199.1 9.70 9.67 2,365 3,724 197.9 199.2 9.70 9.67 448 783 195.7 195.8 9.54 9.57
VOLGA FEDERAL DISTRICT 237,090 42,133 64,833 187.6 186.8 9.71 9.67 42,084 64,811 187.7 186.8 9.71 9.67 9,652 17,251 190.6 190.4 9.53 9.51
Republic of Bashkortostan 32,436 6,476 10,395 178.9 176.3 9.74 9.70 6,475 10,395 178.9 176.3 9.74 9.70 1,514 2,731 183.7 179.6 9.66 9.66
Mari El Republic 4,711 1,175 1,615 182.8 180.9 9.72 9.72 1,175 1,615 182.8 180.9 9.72 9.72 274 459 191.3 195.8 9.61 9.67
Republic of Mordovia 4,932 951 1,582 198.6 197.9 9.66 9.57 947 1,580 198.8 198.2 9.65 9.57 212 460 193.3 195.5 9.55 9.49
Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 31,971 6,114 10,267 187.6 187.8 9.75 9.71 6,107 10,264 187.7 187.8 9.75 9.71 1,425 2,804 189.4 194.7 9.44 9.41
Udmurt Republic 12,575 2,536 3,525 184.1 186.7 9.74 9.71 2,527 3,521 184.2 186.8 9.74 9.71 612 1,011 189.0 191.5 9.54 9.58
Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia 9,848 2,649 3,871 192.5 187.1 9.63 9.60 2,648 3,871 192.5 187.1 9.63 9.60 868 1,392 198.3 195.9 9.56 9.53
Perm Territory 25,495 3,504 5,343 188.3 188.6 9.77 9.73 3,499 5,341 188.3 188.5 9.77 9.73 771 1,359 185.4 184.6 9.60 9.59
Kirov Region 9,067 2,195 2,927 191.5 187.1 9.73 9.64 2,191 2,925 191.6 187.2 9.73 9.64 416 691 208.5 205.2 9.58 9.61
Nizhny Novgorod Region 28,901 3,864 6,453 187.1 186.6 9.65 9.61 3,860 6,452 187.2 186.6 9.65 9.61 854 1,713 189.4 190.0 9.48 9.48
Orenburg Region 14,370 2,867 4,139 191.5 192.0 9.72 9.69 2,861 4,136 191.5 192.1 9.72 9.69 691 1,099 187.2 185.9 9.48 9.48
Penza Region 8,581 1,364 2,119 191.3 195.1 9.74 9.69 1,362 2,118 191.4 195.1 9.74 9.69 326 610 196.6 204.7 9.54 9.52
Samara Region 30,077 3,863 6,048 191.9 192.1 9.65 9.62 3,860 6,046 191.9 192.1 9.65 9.62 837 1,548 192.7 190.1 9.30 9.24
Saratov Region 15,588 2,710 4,013 191.7 187.6 9.74 9.66 2,709 4,012 191.7 187.6 9.74 9.66 369 687 198.9 182.9 9.66 9.65
Ulyanovsk Region 8,540 1,865 2,537 186.6 187.9 9.64 9.59 1,863 2,536 186.6 187.9 9.64 9.59 483 687 189.8 192.9 9.58 9.56
URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 127,841 17,258 31,588 192.8 193.7 9.81 9.77 17,252 31,586 192.8 193.7 9.81 9.77 3,771 7,916 190.6 192.4 9.70 9.69
Kurgan Region 5,362 926 1,310 201.0 201.1 9.64 9.65 926 1,310 201.0 201.1 9.64 9.65 159 266 207.9 205.6 9.56 9.54
Sverdlovsk Region 47,382 5,871 10,711 191.6 191.1 9.84 9.81 5,869 10,710 191.6 191.1 9.84 9.81 1,529 3,190 192.3 192.1 9.72 9.70
Tyumen Region 50,632 6,527 14,101 198.6 199.7 9.78 9.73 6,524 14,100 198.6 199.7 9.78 9.73 1,373 3,233 191.1 194.1 9.66 9.64
including Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra 21,694 3,074 6,952 193.5 195.2 9.79 9.77 3,074 6,952 193.5 195.2 9.79 9.77 562 1,388 185.2 183.9 9.57 9.60
including Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 8,972 1,152 3,043 202.7 202.7 9.61 9.56 1,152 3,043 202.7 202.7 9.61 9.56 283 826 193.5 193.9 9.55 9.47
Tyumen Region, excluding Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 19,966 2,301 4,106 204.3 204.9 9.89 9.80 2,298 4,105 204.4 204.9 9.89 9.81 528 1,019 197.2 206.7 9.86 9.82
Chelyabinsk Region 24,466 3,934 5,466 178.0 181.4 9.89 9.85 3,933 5,466 178.0 181.4 9.89 9.85 710 1,226 181.1 185.0 9.77 9.84
SIBERIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 161,166 23,663 37,179 183.3 183.1 9.74 9.72 23,658 37,178 183.3 183.1 9.74 9.72 4,561 8,525 186.5 185.8 9.59 9.62
Altai Republic 1,272 155 174 164.5 172.6 10.06 9.99 155 174 164.5 172.6 10.06 9.99 12 21 141.5 155.9 9.42 9.30
Republic of Buryatia 6,200 753 1,205 166.7 165.8 9.72 9.68 753 1,205 166.7 165.8 9.72 9.68 126 239 188.2 182.0 9.50 9.51
Republic of Tuva 2,119 254 542 189.7 187.9 9.41 9.59 254 542 189.7 187.9 9.41 9.59 13 49 224.7 178.6 7.46 9.28
Republic of Khakassia 3,591 623 892 178.7 173.6 9.56 9.57 623 892 178.7 173.6 9.56 9.57 116 177 174.6 164.1 9.52 9.57
Altai Territory 15,536 3,081 3,961 185.0 185.4 9.75 9.72 3,081 3,961 185.0 185.4 9.75 9.72 627 974 189.3 189.0 9.60 9.64
Trans-Baikal Territory 7,190 926 1,688 180.0 184.6 9.65 9.63 926 1,688 180.0 184.6 9.65 9.63 116 274 186.9 193.9 9.83 9.94
Krasnoyarsk Territory 26,558 4,208 6,926 176.4 174.7 9.77 9.74 4,207 6,926 176.4 174.7 9.77 9.74 1,182 2,234 174.7 176.1 9.65 9.66
Irkutsk Region 24,372 2,963 4,845 174.5 174.6 9.71 9.70 2,963 4,845 174.5 174.6 9.71 9.70 497 976 177.0 172.5 9.53 9.54
Kemerovo Region 19,150 3,118 4,308 173.0 171.7 9.71 9.71 3,117 4,308 173.0 171.7 9.71 9.71 487 829 172.2 173.2 9.55 9.56
Novosibirsk Region 31,214 3,757 6,661 199.3 199.4 9.85 9.81 3,754 6,660 199.3 199.4 9.85 9.81 957 1,824 204.7 200.7 9.70 9.69
Omsk Region 14,884 2,422 3,720 200.1 201.9 9.66 9.64 2,422 3,720 200.1 201.9 9.66 9.64 260 549 202.9 207.6 9.48 9.51
Tomsk Region 9,081 1,403 2,257 178.2 176.2 9.73 9.70 1,403 2,257 178.2 176.2 9.73 9.70 168 379 195.2 195.5 9.40 9.39
FAR-EASTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 63,203 6,915 14,821 182.3 182.5 9.79 9.73 6,913 14,819 182.3 182.5 9.79 9.73 1,257 3,084 179.0 176.0 9.65 9.64
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 11,441 1,433 3,573 182.9 180.6 9.89 9.83 1,433 3,573 182.9 180.6 9.89 9.83 433 1,105 181.7 178.0 9.81 9.83
Kamchatka Territory 3,947 372 776 171.3 164.6 9.76 9.64 372 776 171.3 164.6 9.76 9.64 69 156 177.1 168.5 9.77 9.75
Primorye Territory 16,759 1,591 3,304 182.1 183.6 9.81 9.80 1,591 3,304 182.1 183.6 9.81 9.80 248 559 178.6 171.9 9.62 9.64
Khabarovsk Territory 13,772 1,473 2,989 192.6 193.4 9.75 9.73 1,473 2,989 192.6 193.4 9.75 9.73 185 454 187.7 187.7 9.54 9.57
Amur Region 7,264 1,017 1,818 175.3 179.7 9.76 9.63 1,015 1,817 175.4 179.8 9.75 9.63 106 237 169.1 167.1 9.48 9.36
Magadan Region 2,283 291 623 181.1 184.8 9.63 9.54 291 623 181.1 184.8 9.63 9.54 55 164 179.8 198.2 9.86 9.88
Sakhalin Region 5,986 529 1,353 177.4 177.9 9.70 9.65 529 1,353 177.4 177.9 9.70 9.65 141 364 166.6 164.9 9.36 9.25
Jewish Autonomous Region 1,187 160 268 170.7 166.3 9.65 9.61 160 268 170.7 166.3 9.65 9.61 7 15 206.0 198.4 9.46 9.62
Chukotka Autonomous Area 563 49 117 176.2 164.2 9.63 9.62 49 117 176.2 164.2 9.63 9.62 13 29 177.9 126.8 8.83 9.08

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 30.03.2018