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Selected Indicators of Loans in Rubles Granted to Resident Individuals

volume of loans total, million rubles including
housing loans of which:
number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % mortgage loans of which:
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % against the pledge of claims under share construction participation agreements
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, %
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month
The Russian Federation 6,338,873 759,936 1,296,265 182.0 184.3 12.62 12.16 753,064 1,288,531 182.8 185.0 12.62 12.16 268,619 498,955 187.7 189.5 11.66 11.37
CENTRAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 2,105,239 177,949 402,611 184.2 185.6 12.48 12.05 176,774 398,375 185.7 187.2 12.47 12.02 77,737 179,961 191.8 193.6 11.64 11.31
Belgorod Region 52,854 5,825 8,319 183.7 185.6 12.73 12.22 5,619 8,248 185.0 185.8 12.70 12.20 1,343 2,537 195.2 186.0 11.69 11.54
Bryansk Region 33,957 5,633 7,685 182.9 172.2 12.53 12.61 5,593 7,584 183.8 176.8 12.49 12.29 2,423 3,515 185.1 171.8 11.80 11.91
Vladimir Region 36,689 6,550 9,670 182.5 186.7 12.69 12.07 6,457 9,620 183.2 187.2 12.68 12.07 2,298 3,728 187.4 189.7 11.69 11.17
Voronezh Region 72,922 12,042 17,401 197.0 201.9 12.47 12.08 11,990 17,374 197.3 202.0 12.47 12.08 5,562 8,134 199.5 202.2 11.63 11.16
Ivanovo Region 28,554 4,198 5,841 174.8 177.2 12.75 12.27 4,171 5,823 175.0 177.4 12.73 12.16 1,266 2,174 191.6 202.7 11.67 11.44
Kaluga Region 41,446 6,073 10,420 187.1 195.0 12.44 12.14 6,035 10,362 187.7 195.1 12.44 12.14 2,600 4,576 188.1 206.1 11.59 11.20
Kostroma Region 21,055 3,611 4,375 172.7 167.3 12.77 12.49 3,570 4,329 173.9 169.2 12.75 12.49 1,027 1,457 182.6 168.7 11.70 11.44
Kursk Region 36,256 5,701 7,685 185.3 189.0 12.51 12.03 5,653 7,621 186.2 190.8 12.49 12.05 1,468 2,390 189.4 191.9 11.56 11.23
Lipetsk Region 40,031 5,776 7,742 195.4 201.0 12.53 11.87 5,738 7,727 195.6 201.2 12.52 11.86 2,384 3,487 199.4 206.6 11.73 11.34
Moscow Region 451,985 38,324 100,965 186.0 186.1 12.38 12.18 38,204 100,511 186.7 186.3 12.37 12.20 17,825 46,847 191.4 186.7 11.57 11.26
Orel Region 25,248 4,365 5,809 186.9 189.2 12.41 11.68 4,343 5,798 187.1 189.1 12.41 11.68 1,982 2,865 190.2 197.2 11.67 11.44
Ryazan Region 38,739 6,920 9,930 183.0 178.1 12.55 11.85 6,879 9,914 183.2 178.1 12.54 11.77 3,443 5,014 184.6 185.3 11.73 11.02
Smolensk Region 32,713 4,694 7,272 190.6 189.1 12.48 12.09 4,680 7,191 192.4 189.1 12.47 12.09 1,929 3,266 199.4 197.7 11.64 11.84
Tambov Region 29,037 4,412 6,405 189.6 184.3 12.46 12.27 4,375 6,388 189.9 184.5 12.45 12.26 1,821 2,797 192.8 186.0 11.65 11.63
Tver Region 43,278 6,560 10,559 182.9 164.8 12.62 12.06 6,533 10,390 185.6 187.5 12.62 12.13 2,410 4,165 190.5 187.5 11.74 11.60
Tula Region 56,627 7,334 11,647 183.0 184.7 12.69 12.04 7,319 11,640 183.1 184.7 12.68 11.99 2,538 4,490 188.7 191.3 11.60 11.05
Yaroslavl Region 44,037 6,554 8,894 174.3 178.5 12.65 12.35 6,492 8,859 174.7 178.6 12.63 12.31 2,092 3,379 184.6 193.5 11.69 11.03
Moscow 1,019,809 43,377 161,992 182.0 185.4 12.48 11.91 43,123 158,996 184.7 187.1 12.46 11.87 23,326 75,141 192.6 197.7 11.66 11.33
NORTH-WESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 771,201 92,611 165,746 175.8 175.6 12.48 11.91 92,136 165,449 176.0 175.7 12.48 11.91 42,997 80,628 178.8 179.3 11.70 11.42
Republic of Karelia 29,998 3,795 5,591 176.0 166.5 12.54 11.77 3,776 5,582 176.1 166.8 12.53 11.77 1,310 2,190 181.9 167.1 11.68 11.40
Republic of Komi 47,074 6,543 10,698 175.1 172.3 12.82 12.67 6,531 10,692 175.1 172.3 12.82 12.65 1,908 3,500 172.3 175.5 11.73 11.56
Arkhangelsk Region 54,734 8,283 12,905 164.1 165.3 12.70 11.90 8,234 12,876 164.4 166.0 12.69 11.86 2,133 3,901 167.8 174.3 11.63 11.21
including Nenets Autonomous Area 2,415 229 489 152.7 145.8 11.93 11.45 229 489 152.7 145.8 11.93 11.45 95 232 143.3 141.7 9.82 10.04
Arkhangelsk Region excluding Nenets Autonomous Area 52,318 8,054 12,417 164.6 166.1 12.73 11.92 8,005 12,388 164.8 166.8 12.72 11.88 2,038 3,670 169.4 176.0 11.73 11.26
Vologda Region 48,536 8,924 11,012 173.6 172.3 12.59 12.34 8,781 10,951 174.3 172.5 12.58 12.33 3,151 4,279 179.6 180.6 11.61 11.33
Kaliningrad Region 42,550 4,893 7,587 181.3 176.6 12.49 11.65 4,871 7,566 181.3 176.7 12.49 11.65 2,423 3,590 180.0 174.5 11.81 11.50
Leningrad Region 84,948 10,474 19,036 179.7 177.2 12.41 12.00 10,415 19,004 179.9 177.3 12.41 11.96 5,383 10,128 182.8 179.0 11.73 11.39
Murmansk Region 49,676 5,049 8,346 162.6 159.0 12.55 11.86 5,042 8,313 163.1 159.1 12.55 11.88 1,646 3,286 172.7 164.7 11.63 11.42
Novgorod Region 23,722 3,474 4,707 180.0 177.7 12.61 12.45 3,445 4,696 180.3 177.7 12.60 12.44 1,181 1,789 185.7 184.7 11.74 11.60
Pskov Region 22,562 2,906 4,089 176.0 183.5 12.47 12.16 2,840 4,056 177.0 184.0 12.47 12.17 1,145 1,764 182.2 190.4 11.62 11.39
Saint Petersburg 367,402 38,270 81,775 177.7 179.4 12.39 11.74 38,201 81,712 177.8 179.4 12.39 11.74 22,717 46,200 179.0 181.4 11.69 11.44
SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 488,756 56,811 86,522 188.8 191.3 12.60 12.04 56,229 86,247 189.2 191.4 12.60 12.10 22,090 34,091 192.5 195.6 11.72 11.37
Republic of Adygeya (Adygeya) 12,880 1,239 1,794 189.8 191.2 12.65 12.69 1,232 1,786 190.3 191.6 12.63 12.61 497 730 197.4 190.2 11.78 11.65
Republic of Kalmykia 9,541 1,202 1,971 190.5 201.0 12.66 12.66 1,202 1,971 190.5 201.0 12.66 12.66 458 856 194.4 196.1 11.63 11.21
Republic of Crimea 9,894 503 955 183.4 172.3 12.47 12.18 503 955 183.4 173.3 12.47 12.18 181 324 192.9 178.8 11.68 11.61
Krasnodar Territory 192,835 20,840 32,369 191.3 192.3 12.62 11.95 20,532 32,251 191.8 192.4 12.63 12.13 10,153 15,066 193.0 197.9 11.76 11.24
Astrakhan Region 34,824 4,163 6,263 192.2 190.2 12.51 11.89 4,141 6,254 192.5 190.2 12.51 11.86 1,198 2,136 202.9 192.4 11.66 11.71
Volgograd Region 78,410 11,431 15,672 182.8 186.8 12.61 11.85 11,419 15,664 182.9 186.8 12.61 11.85 3,588 5,281 188.7 196.6 11.65 11.42
Rostov Region 147,848 17,249 27,133 188.6 193.9 12.59 12.20 17,019 27,002 189.2 194.0 12.59 12.20 5,978 9,613 191.0 193.6 11.70 11.46
Sevastopol 2,523 184 364 168.3 159.9 12.36 11.97 181 363 168.8 159.9 12.35 11.97 37 85 187.1 133.9 11.63 10.42
NORTH-CAUCASIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 149,711 17,740 27,605 189.3 191.0 12.81 12.24 17,696 27,528 189.4 191.2 12.81 12.24 4,826 8,060 197.4 198.6 11.76 11.54
Republic of Daghestan 18,313 1,972 3,628 182.8 187.1 12.70 11.84 1,965 3,621 182.9 187.1 12.69 11.84 414 900 203.8 205.3 11.66 11.10
Republic of Ingushetia 1,986 129 274 159.9 222.4 12.30 11.87 129 274 159.9 222.4 12.30 11.87 54 85 234.3 318.1 11.86 11.45
Kabardino-Balkar Republic 14,939 1,596 2,649 193.5 196.2 12.86 12.82 1,590 2,639 194.1 197.5 12.85 12.81 453 873 201.1 216.6 11.96 12.23
Karachai-Cherkess Republic 8,492 981 1,492 198.7 193.5 13.18 12.64 981 1,492 198.7 193.5 13.18 12.64 185 325 193.9 201.3 11.69 11.62
Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 17,032 1,941 3,275 190.2 185.2 12.72 13.32 1,940 3,275 190.2 185.2 12.72 13.32 654 1,096 202.3 181.2 11.70 11.50
Chechen Republic 9,006 391 918 163.6 197.2 13.16 13.17 390 894 160.0 197.2 13.28 13.17 67 140 212.7 203.1 11.92 11.98
Stavropol Territory 79,943 10,730 15,370 191.1 191.0 12.81 11.94 10,701 15,334 191.3 191.0 12.80 11.94 2,999 4,642 193.4 193.3 11.75 11.46
VOLGA FEDERAL DISTRICT 1,108,107 193,657 261,907 179.2 180.8 12.67 12.25 191,011 260,183 180.2 181.4 12.66 12.26 60,244 90,580 187.1 188.9 11.52 11.25
Republic of Bashkortostan 156,107 27,594 38,322 171.0 170.7 12.83 12.18 26,732 38,011 172.0 171.0 12.82 12.18 7,392 11,959 176.0 176.0 11.75 11.73
Mari El Republic 18,995 4,786 6,205 183.7 177.2 12.43 11.83 4,783 6,200 183.9 178.0 12.43 11.82 1,930 2,558 188.5 184.4 11.62 11.19
Republic of Mordovia 21,454 4,695 6,726 191.2 194.8 12.32 11.81 4,571 6,673 192.4 195.2 12.30 11.80 1,508 2,651 199.6 203.7 11.54 11.43
Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 147,868 32,067 42,852 167.4 168.1 12.60 11.75 31,586 42,602 168.2 168.7 12.60 11.82 7,488 12,863 183.8 183.7 11.04 10.32
Udmurt Republic 62,793 11,831 14,475 179.7 177.0 12.68 12.61 11,648 14,374 180.4 177.1 12.66 12.61 3,301 4,901 192.0 192.9 11.51 11.43
Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia 38,455 9,970 13,395 195.4 200.5 12.49 12.40 9,874 13,377 195.6 200.7 12.49 12.50 4,102 5,888 197.9 197.0 11.65 11.05
Perm Territory 114,668 16,883 22,950 183.6 182.4 12.81 12.66 16,798 22,903 183.9 182.4 12.80 12.65 4,601 7,400 191.0 186.5 11.48 11.20
Kirov Region 39,188 9,172 11,344 189.9 191.1 12.54 11.81 9,099 11,314 190.3 191.6 12.53 11.80 3,573 4,545 193.6 202.3 11.42 11.21
Nizhny Novgorod Region 154,144 17,994 26,754 177.7 182.1 12.75 12.42 17,856 26,515 178.9 182.2 12.73 12.42 5,749 9,152 183.9 188.9 11.64 11.38
Orenburg Region 72,202 12,449 16,484 189.9 188.9 12.46 11.80 12,100 16,334 191.3 189.7 12.45 11.79 4,416 6,068 194.3 191.8 11.39 11.23
Penza Region 39,468 6,235 8,612 187.2 190.8 12.55 12.47 6,177 8,585 187.6 192.0 12.54 12.50 2,523 3,751 189.7 194.6 11.75 11.65
Samara Region 128,664 19,384 26,612 178.5 184.7 12.73 12.47 19,295 26,268 180.6 184.9 12.72 12.48 6,983 9,641 182.3 182.3 11.54 11.32
Saratov Region 72,247 11,268 15,752 187.8 188.5 12.81 12.86 11,219 15,630 189.0 193.0 12.81 12.83 3,135 4,822 194.7 203.7 11.75 11.70
Ulyanovsk Region 41,855 9,329 11,423 174.8 179.6 12.66 12.49 9,273 11,397 175.1 179.7 12.65 12.48 3,543 4,381 182.6 193.0 11.61 11.56
URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 625,612 84,953 136,687 186.2 195.7 12.83 12.55 83,807 135,987 186.7 196.8 12.82 12.55 21,638 38,583 187.7 191.5 11.78 11.44
Kurgan Region 31,526 4,184 5,324 197.3 203.6 12.68 11.36 4,153 5,304 197.9 203.8 12.67 11.36 921 1,272 212.2 223.6 11.22 10.65
Sverdlovsk Region 200,521 23,611 38,579 186.0 186.2 12.83 12.60 23,518 38,485 186.2 186.4 12.83 12.61 6,119 11,305 190.9 187.2 11.79 11.33
Tyumen Region 259,489 32,637 64,633 196.9 214.6 12.81 12.73 32,352 64,373 197.2 216.5 12.80 12.72 9,310 18,986 189.1 197.0 11.82 11.56
including Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra 119,825 15,694 32,683 191.9 204.5 12.92 12.32 15,614 32,589 192.2 204.7 12.92 12.31 4,335 9,561 184.3 189.1 11.88 11.76
including Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 50,198 5,685 13,478 199.7 230.1 12.76 12.74 5,645 13,423 199.9 230.4 12.76 12.73 1,559 3,719 185.1 215.4 11.88 11.52
Tyumen Region, excluding Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 89,465 11,258 18,472 203.7 221.8 12.66 13.43 11,093 18,361 204.1 228.1 12.65 13.41 3,416 5,706 199.7 197.9 11.69 11.32
Chelyabinsk Region 134,077 24,521 28,151 159.6 161.7 12.90 12.22 23,784 27,825 161.2 162.2 12.89 12.20 5,288 7,021 174.1 176.5 11.74 11.42
SIBERIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 775,221 104,346 152,090 180.5 183.1 12.77 12.20 103,871 151,832 180.7 183.3 12.77 12.21 30,483 48,528 185.6 188.3 11.73 11.53
Altai Republic 5,986 438 600 174.6 182.5 13.01 11.50 433 599 175.0 182.5 13.00 11.50 76 134 175.9 186.5 11.61 11.64
Republic of Buryatia 34,259 3,154 4,762 175.0 180.1 12.77 12.24 3,133 4,751 175.3 180.1 12.76 12.24 820 1,302 181.6 173.8 11.77 11.28
Republic of Tuva 9,570 739 1,385 178.6 173.1 13.54 14.25 738 1,385 178.7 174.0 13.54 14.25 53 108 167.1 112.8 12.06 10.70
Republic of Khakassia 18,670 2,418 3,214 173.1 174.3 12.80 12.17 2,411 3,205 173.1 174.3 12.79 12.09 712 1,008 180.8 191.2 11.78 11.59
Altai Territory 75,126 11,936 15,002 180.7 183.6 12.83 12.56 11,865 14,968 181.0 183.7 12.82 12.63 3,133 4,247 187.6 187.2 11.81 12.69
Trans-Baikal Territory 38,094 3,911 6,335 179.1 176.5 12.90 12.20 3,906 6,333 179.2 176.5 12.90 12.20 756 1,378 183.2 185.7 11.83 11.12
Krasnoyarsk Territory 134,769 19,435 29,811 175.8 177.6 12.72 12.28 19,391 29,784 175.9 177.6 12.72 12.25 7,012 11,567 178.9 180.0 11.79 11.47
Irkutsk Region 112,887 13,507 20,119 168.9 168.8 12.93 12.15 13,451 20,059 169.3 170.4 12.93 12.14 3,280 5,330 171.4 179.2 11.85 11.63
Kemerovo Region 100,332 13,561 17,671 169.9 172.6 12.83 12.47 13,431 17,623 170.2 172.6 12.82 12.43 3,225 4,958 178.7 186.6 11.60 11.30
Novosibirsk Region 127,343 18,296 29,030 195.5 196.7 12.58 11.83 18,229 28,996 195.6 196.8 12.58 11.86 7,400 12,251 199.8 200.7 11.70 11.43
Omsk Region 73,929 10,246 14,347 192.7 203.0 12.93 12.32 10,211 14,333 192.8 203.0 12.93 12.35 1,997 3,370 196.4 196.9 11.52 11.10
Tomsk Region 44,256 6,705 9,814 181.3 182.8 12.61 11.95 6,672 9,795 181.5 182.7 12.60 11.98 2,019 2,876 180.8 187.1 11.63 11.42
FAR-EASTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 315,026 31,869 63,097 177.8 178.9 12.88 12.38 31,540 62,929 178.2 179.2 12.86 12.38 8,604 18,522 181.6 183.6 11.88 11.60
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 60,356 7,970 17,523 182.0 184.2 12.92 12.72 7,703 17,407 183.0 185.0 12.88 12.73 3,292 7,500 181.4 187.0 11.97 11.87
Kamchatka Territory 19,948 1,567 3,178 171.1 186.4 12.95 12.45 1,545 3,162 171.8 187.1 12.95 12.44 373 835 173.9 186.4 11.73 11.41
Primorye Territory 83,324 7,804 14,771 171.6 169.6 12.84 12.17 7,796 14,761 171.7 169.6 12.84 12.17 1,683 3,283 180.2 174.1 11.85 11.54
Khabarovsk Territory 65,049 6,741 12,355 179.3 174.9 12.80 12.20 6,740 12,350 179.4 174.9 12.80 12.20 1,476 2,999 186.0 183.4 11.83 11.24
Amur Region 37,060 3,366 5,769 183.0 187.1 12.76 12.17 3,360 5,767 183.0 187.1 12.76 12.17 755 1,421 192.0 189.2 11.64 11.12
Magadan Region 11,737 1,231 2,522 176.1 177.2 12.91 12.30 1,219 2,512 176.6 177.6 12.90 12.42 367 844 169.9 161.1 11.71 10.99
Sakhalin Region 29,087 2,287 5,385 177.3 186.4 13.05 12.55 2,281 5,382 177.4 186.4 13.04 12.47 443 1,212 176.0 191.5 12.11 12.08
Jewish Autonomous Region 5,690 587 925 184.5 199.5 12.77 12.68 587 925 184.5 199.5 12.77 12.68 116 209 200.4 205.9 11.57 11.42
Chukotka Autonomous Area 2,775 316 669 169.0 161.8 13.20 12.23 309 663 170.0 163.0 13.16 12.20 99 218 171.6 177.5 12.10 12.13

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 09.06.2017