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  • 8 800 300-30-00
  • www.cbr.ru
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Composition and Structure of Investment Portfolio of Credit Institutions

Date Investment in debt securities - Total
thousands RUR.
Investment in debt securities - Of which: government and Bank of Russia securities
thousands RUR.
Investment in shares
thousands RUR.
Equity in subsidiary and associated joint stock companies
thousands RUR.
Other equity
thousands RUR.
01.01.2006 2 233 019,00 456 869,00 102 981,00 28 108,00 301,00
01.04.2006 2 624 755,00 894 030,00 85 599,00 28 108,00 177,00
01.07.2006 2 533 119,00 1 459 085,00 96 206,00 28 108,00 84 705,00
01.10.2006 2 997 966,00 1 601 625,00 183 624,00 28 108,00 16 306,00
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