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Financial Performance of Credit Institutions

Date Total profit (+)/loss (—) made by operating credit institutions, million rubles The value of profit made by profit-making credit institutions, million rubles Share of operating profit-making credit institutions out of total number of operating credit institutions, % The value of losses made by losses-making credit institutions, million rubles Share of operating losses-making credit institutions out of total number of operating credit institutions, % The profit allocation, million rubles
January 2016 498.2 498.2 100.0 0.0 0.0 169.8
January 2016 -90.8 19.7 50.0 110.5 50.0 11.9
January 2016 -151.5 30.4 75.0 181.9 25.0 30.8
January 2016 -140.6 77.2 75.0 217.8 25.0 43.1
January 2016 -231.8 61.6 75.0 293.5 25.0 9.2
January 2016 -257.3 104.4 75.0 361.7 25.0 13.8
January 2016 -256.7 107.9 75.0 364.6 25.0 21.8
January 2016 -201.7 144.8 50.0 346.5 50.0 71.0
January 2016 54.5 212.5 50.0 158.1 50.0 88.7
January 2016 -747.3 243.9 50.0 991.2 50.0 103.5
January 2016 231.0 231.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 101.1
January 2016 249.1 249.1 100.0 0.0 0.0 111.4
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