Bank of Russia lowers requirements for minimum credit ratings to compile Register and List of Liquidity Provision Eligible Entities
Taking into account the recent developments in the financial market, the Bank of Russia has decided to lower the requirements for minimum credit ratings of institutions included in the Register1 and those of constituent territories of the Russian Federation and municipalities put on the List of Entities2, for the purpose of standard liquidity-providing operations.
Beginning from 28 February 2022, institutions included in the Register and constituent territories of the Russian Federation and municipalities put on the List of Entities should have the minimum credit rating of А-(RU) / ruA- assigned by the credit rating agencies ACRA JSC / JSC Expert RA.
1 The Register of legal entities undertaking obligations under loan agreements pursuant to which claims are included in the loan collateral pool without the Bank of Russia’s check of accounting (financial) statements or other information on such entities.
2 The List of constituent territories of the Russian Federation and municipalities that may be entities having obligations under loan agreements pursuant to which claims may be included in the Bank of Russia’s loan collateral pool.
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