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Trading on Moscow Exchange on 30 March

29 March 2022
Press release

As decided by the Bank of Russia, on 30 March 2022, the trading sessions on the Moscow Exchange will be held according to the following schedule:

  • Federal government bonds will be available for trading in the Main Trading Mode from 9:50 to 18:50 Moscow time and for negotiated trades/ negotiated trades with the CCP from 9:30 to 19:00 Moscow time.
  • Bonds, except for corporate Eurobonds and sovereign Eurobonds of the Russian Ministry of Finance will be available for trading in the Main Trading Mode from 9:50 to 18:50 Moscow time and for negotiated trades/ negotiated trades with the CCP from 9:30 to 19:00 Moscow time. No short sales of such instruments are allowed.
  • Russian issuer stocks and international securities (tickers: AGRO, CIAN, EM44, ETLN, FIVE, FIXP, GEMC, GLTR, HHRU, HMSG, LNTA, MDMG, OKEY, OZON, POGR, POLY, QIWI, SFTL, TCSG, VKCO, YNDX, VEON-RX) will be available for trading from 09:50 to 13:50 Moscow time and for negotiated trades/ negotiated trades with the CCP from 9:50 to 19:00 Moscow time. No short sales of such instruments are allowed.
  • Exchange-traded unit investment funds (tickers: VTBM, RCMM, MBGB, AKGD, SBMM, SBCS, SBRI, SBGB, MKBD, SUGB, SPBF, FMRU, TRUR, TMOS, DIVD, OPNR, AKME) will trade from 09:50 to 18:50 Moscow time. Exchange-traded unit investment funds should be traded in the same trading period as the assets comprising their asset pools.
  • Other bonds will be available for negotiated trades/ negotiated trades with the CCP from 9:30 to 19:00 Moscow time.
  • Other international stocks will be available for negotiated trades/ negotiated trades with the CCP from 9:30 to 19:00 Moscow time.
  • Derivative contracts will trade from 10:00 to 18:45.

Other instruments will be traded on the Moscow Exchange according to the schedule set for 29 March 2022.

The trading schedule of the Moscow Exchange for the following days will be published on the Bank of Russia website later.

The reference to the Press Service is mandatory if you intend to use this material.

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