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Detection of counterfeit money: 2019 results

26 February 2020

Counterfeiting in Russia is steadily low—only seven in one million banknotes in circulation are forged. This is suggested by data on the counterfeit money detected in 2019 in the Russian banking system.

Most counterfeit banknotes detected last year had the denomination of 5,000 rubles (28,668 units) and 1,000 rubles (8,602 units), and the least numerous were 10-ruble notes (3 units). Also, counterfeit 10-ruble (167), 5-ruble (60) and 1-ruble (1) coins were found.

In 2019, counterfeit foreign banknotes identified numbered 2,364 units. The majority of counterfeit banknotes were US dollars (1,822 units). Other detected counterfeits included euro (476 units), Chinese yuan (63 units) and British pound notes (3 units).

Preview photo: FabrikaSimf / Shutterstock / Fotodom
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