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Russia and Iran hold talks on development of banking cooperation

2 September 2016

On 1 September 2016, the Islamic Republic of Iran hosted the 4th plenary meeting of the Working Group on Banking and Financial Cooperation of the Permanent Russian-Iranian Commission for Trade and Economic Cooperation.

The meeting focused on further development of banking cooperation, including the establishment of correspondent relations and opening correspondent accounts between credit institutions of the two countries, development of settlements in national currencies in bilateral trade, as well as collaboration in anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism.

The Russian delegation was headed by the Chairman of the Russian part of the Working Group, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Dmitry Skobelkin.

The receiving party was headed by the Chairman of the Iranian part of the Working Group, Vice Governor of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran Gholamali Kamyab.

Representatives of the central banks of the two countries, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Vnesheconombank, Moscow Exchange, Russian and Iranian credit institutions, including the major ones, took part in the meeting.

Representatives of Russian and Iranian banks confirmed their interest in long-term strategic partnership and reported on the work in this direction.

In the course of the meeting commercial banks signed contracts on financing mutual deliveries using settlements in national currencies.

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