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Winners of FINOPOLIS 2019 Youth Programme announced

9 October 2019

On 9 October 2019, winners of the FINOdays Youth Programme held as part of the FINOPOLIS Forum of Innovative Financial Technologies were announced in Sochi.

84 shortlisted students (out of the 800 participants who initially applied) were split into 17 teams to participate in a hackathon, the FINOdays highlight event.

Each team had 24 hours to solve a business case set by financial market leaders. The cases included creating a p2p-store for the self-employed, implementing a blockchain project with a large number of net members, gamification, cash management solutions, identification of users of a banking product aggregator, and elaborating marketplaces or a biometric identification system, etc.

The main criteria which guided the panel were creativity, innovation and, primarily, the product’s marketability.

In the end, the teams PPnP (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Higher School of Economics and P.A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University) and Techtation (Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev, ITMO University and Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) took joint first place.

Hardway (ITMO University and Astrakhan State Technical University) took second place.

All participants of the FINOPOLIS Youth Programme will meet Elvira Nabiullina, the Governor of the Bank of Russia, and attend workshops held by fintech experts.

Preview photo: Evgeniy Reutov / Roscongress Foundation
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