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Experts with disabilities to check Russian banks for accessibility

15 February 2018

During a meeting held at the Bank of Russia, representatives of NAFI and 20 major banks discussed the criteria for rating the accessibility of credit institutions to people with disabilities and mobility issues.

The rating will be composed based on the extent that credit institutions have adapted to the needs of the groups analysed. The first study, to be conducted by NAFI Research Center together with the Bank of Russia, will cover the Moscow offices of large banks. Experts, representing people with different kinds of disabilities, will assess the accessibility of information on the credit institution’s website and the possibility of receiving the desired services and information by phone and upon a personal visit to the bank. Moreover, banks will be checked for friendliness and openness with regard to visitors with little children.

During the discussion, the meeting participants supported the decision to send the research group a list of accessible Moscow offices of each bank and, optionally, post the information about special facilities available for people with disabilities at the premises and on the website. Thus, apart from the rating, the research will provide an expert assessment of the quality of modifications, helping credit institutions to refine their further work in that area.

The meeting participants provided a number of constructive clarifications and additions to the research methodology presented. It is expected that the experts will begin their work in March after the methodology has been improved in line with the feedback received.

The need to eliminate barriers preventing customers from receiving financial services and assess their accessibility was repeatedly mentioned at the meeting of the specialised work group for increasing the financial inclusion of people with disabilities and mobility issues established by the regulator. Besides, in 2017, the Bank of Russia sent recommendations aimed at improving the service provided to clients with disabilities to banks, insurance companies, and other non-bank financial institution. The regulator intends to verify the compliance with these recommendations in the first quarter of 2018.

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