Package of cyber-security measures ready for 2018 FIFA World Cup
The recommendations prepared by the Bank of Russia are designed to protect banks’ information infrastructure facilities, ATMs and POS-terminals against cyber-attacks. They have been forwarded to credit institutions operating in FIFA host cities.
Specifically, banks are recommended to equip their ATMs with anti-skimming devices, perform timely updates of software installed in self-service terminals, program their monitoring systems so that they alert specialists in case of a long-term lack of ATM response, ATM break-ins or other emergencies.
Furthermore, the package contains recommendations for FIFA guests. The Bank of Russia reminds them of the rules for the use of ATMs and POS terminals: e.g., the regulator recommends paying attention to any sings of tampering, i.e. strange devices on an ATM, not using an ATM if it does not work properly and not turning to strangers for help in case of difficulties. Compliance with these rules will help mitigate the cyber-fraud risk.
The Bank of Russia reminds users that in case of ATM failures, they should contact the bank that operates the ATM using the phone number indicated on the cash machine.
The rules will be translated into English for the convenience of foreign guests attending the FIFA championship.