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BoR’s ‘Financial Environment’ project to promote financial literacy

18 September 2017

On 20 September at 19:00, the Central Universal Science Library Nekrasov (58/25 Stroenie 14 Baumanskaya Street) is due to host the first public lecture of the Bank of Russia-organised ‘Financial Environment’ series.

A lecture of the series will take place every Wednesday at Moscow libraries. Presentations will be made by BoR representatives, financial experts, magazine writers and bloggers, who will explore complicated financial topics and discuss key rules of conduct for financial services consumers to follow to avoid mistakes and financial loss.

Lecture 1 will cover the most essential topics: why we are always short of money no matter how much we have, how to strike the right balance between income and expenditure, how much to save per month – the audience will pose these and other questions to Mikhail Mamuta, Head of the BoR Service for Consumer Protection and Financial Inclusion, and Vasily Solodkov, Director of the Banking Institute of the Higher School of Economics. The lecturers will also speak about effective ways to manage personal finance and tools that may come in handy, and the attendees will also look into typical mistakes in handling money.

The ‘Financial Environment’ project is intended to last through 2018. The next lectures will be dedicated to the following topics: what is the best way of saving money and capitalising on your cash, what are good borrowing practices and how to learn to understand economic news and deal with its potential complexities. Lectures in the series are intended for a broad audience with varying levels of knowledge about economics and finance.

Admission is free but seating is limited. Those wishing to attend are asked to register online in advance at finsreda.com. Please see the website for the calendar of lectures.

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