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Commodity exchange trading volume surpasses 1.8 trillion rubles

24 May 2022

Over the period from 2021 to 2022 Q1, the total amount of trades in the commodity spot market exceeded 1.8 trillion rubles, according to the Bank of Russia’s review Commodity Exchange Market Analysis.

As of the end of 2022 Q1, the volume of commodity exchange trading increased by 15% year-on-year and amounted to 337.8 billion rubles, primarily driven by trade in oil, petroleum products, agricultural products, and timber.

Over the last year, the commodity spot market expanded by more than 36% as compared to 2020, reaching 1.5 trillion rubles. In 2021, the structure of trading changed slightly. The petroleum product market continued to dominate with 93% of the overall volume or 1.4 trillion rubles. The second major market was the mineral fertiliser market with 3% of the overall volume (39.3 billion rubles). The natural gas trading showed a negative trend. The market reduced by more than twofold to 25.9 billion rubles.

In addition, the review highlights some key events of 2021, which boosted the improvement of commodity exchange market infrastructure and the development of petroleum product market.

Preview photo: Dmitry Feoktistov / TASS
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