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Bank of Russia calculates share of foreign capital in aggregate authorised capital of credit institutions and insurance companies

15 February 2022

As of 1 January 2022, the share of foreign capital in the aggregate authorised capital of credit institutions holding a banking licence totalled 10.73% (vs 10.96% as of 1 January 2021); in the aggregate capital of insurance companies, it came in at 10.01% (vs 10.40% as of 1 January 2021). The Bank of Russia calculates and discloses this indicator on an annual basis in compliance with law.

Foreign investment calculated to define the share in the aggregate authorised capital of credit institutions totalled 309.622 billion rubles, while their aggregate authorised capital came in at 2,885.459 billion rubles.

Foreign investment calculated to define the share in the aggregate authorised capital of insurance companies totalled 23.533 billion rubles, while their aggregate authorised capital came in at 235.063 billion rubles.

Preview photo: Andrey Tolkachev / Shutterstock
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