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Bank of Russia Bulletin released

10 April 2019
Press release

Bank of Russia Bulletin No. 26 (2078) of 10 April 2019 has been released.

The Credit Institutions section lists credit institutions which comply with the requirements of Russian Federation Government Resolutions No. 1225, dated 31.12.2010, No. 1080, dated 21.12.2011, No. 38, dated 27.01.2012, No. 1396, dated 24.12.2012 and No. 806, dated 10.07.2018, as of 1 March 2019.

The Bulletin publishes the following Bank of Russia orders:

No. OD-734, dated 03.04.2019, on the termination of activity of the provisional administration to manage the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky-based credit institution PJSC Kamchatcomagroprombank;

No. OD-735, dated 03.04.2019, on amending the Appendix to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-2716, dated 19 October 2018;

No. OD-742, dated 04.04.2019, on the termination of activity of the provisional administration to manage the Pereslavl-Zalessky-based credit institution LLC CB Evrokapital-Alliance (the Yaroslavl Region);

No. OD-743, dated 04.04.2019, on amending Appendix 1 to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-2853, dated 31 October 2018;

No. OD-744, dated 04.04.2019, on the termination of activity of the provisional administration to manage the Moscow-based credit institution CB Russian Mortgage Bank LLC;

No. OD-761, dated 05.04.2019, on the revocation of the banking licence from the Ivanovo-based credit institution JSC CB IVANOVO;

No. OD-762, dated 05.04.2019, on appointing the provisional administration to the Ivanovo-based credit institution JSC CB IVANOVO due to the revocation of its banking licence.

The Non-bank Financial Institutions section contains the following Bank of Russia orders:

No. OD-759, dated 04.04.2019, on the revocation of insurance licences from the Insurance Joint-stock Company Kristall;

No. OD-760, dated 04.04.2019, on amending Bank of Russia Order No. OD-519, dated 14 March 2019;

No. OD-779, dated 08.04.2019, on the revocation of insurance licences from the Limited Liability Company Insurance Company NIK-Life;

No. OD-781, dated 08.04.2019, on amending Appendix to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-521, dated 14 March 2019.

The Bulletin informs about the results of the disposal of the assets of PJSC NPF Sibirskiy Kapital.

The issue presents consolidated data on financial market sectors and information notices by the Bank of Russia.

The Official Documents section publishes the following materials:

Bank of Russia Regulation No. 664-P, dated 5 December 2018, ‘On the Provisional Administration of a Financial Institution, Which is a Professional Securities Market Participant, Management Company of Investment Funds, Unit Investment Funds and Non-governmental Pension Funds, Clearing Company, and Trade Organiser; the Procedure for the Bank of Russia to Control the Implementation of the Solvency Recovery Plan of Such Financial Institution and the Cases when the Bank of Russia Decides to Conduct an On-site Inspection of its Activities Based on the Analysis of its Solvency Recovery Plan’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 03.04.2019);

Bank of Russia Regulation No. 680-P, dated 27 March 2019, ‘On the Procedure for Ensuring Smooth Functioning of the Bank of Russia Payment System with Regard to Speedy and Non-speedy Funds Transfers when Placing Electronic Funds Transfer Orders via Communication Channels’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication except for certain clauses of the Regulation for which other effective periods are established; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 29.03.2019);

FAS of Russia and Bank of Russia Information Letter No. AK/25611/19 / IN-06-52/29, dated 29 March 2019, ‘On Disclosing Information on the Size of Compensation’;

Bank of Russia Information Letter No. IN-06-59/31, dated 3 April 2019, ‘On Cancelling Bank of Russia Information Letter No. IN-06-59/4, Dated 23 January 2019’;

Bank of Russia Methodological Recommendations No. 10-MR, dated 2 April 2019, on increasing transparency and ensuring the availability of information on funds transfers without opening bank accounts.

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