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Structured description of changes in credit institution reporting published

29 December 2017
Press release

On 25 December 2017, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4637-U, dated 6 December 2017, ‘On Amending Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4212-U, dated 24 November 2016, ‘On the List, Forms and Procedure for Compiling and Submitting Credit Institutions’ Reporting Forms to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation’ (hereinafter referred to as Instruction No. 4637-U).

Concurrent with Instruction No. 4637-U, the Bank of Russia has prepared a structured description of changes in credit institution reporting which the above Bank of Russia regulatory document introduces. This information is published in line with the Bank of Russia’s ongoing efforts to roll out a data management system at the Bank of Russia; furthermore, its publication will improve Bank of Russia interaction with reporting organisations.

Instruction No. 4637-U together with updates on changes to credit institution reporting is available on the Bank of Russia website (Information and Analytical Materials / Standard Acts).

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