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200th Anniversary of the Birth of A.S.Pushkin

Date of Issue
Catalogue number
200th Anniversary of the Birth of Pushkin
Date of Issue
Catalogue number
100 rubles
Metal, fineness
Silver 900/1000
Total weight, g
1111.12 (+4.0)
Fine metal content not less than, g
Diameter, mm
100.00 (±0.80)
Thickness, mm
15.00 (±0.60)
Mintage, pcs


in the center — the Emblem of the Bank of Russia (the two headed eagle designed by I.Bilibin, lower — the semicircular inscription — «БАНК РОССИИ» (BANK OF RUSSIA) framed by a circle of dots and inscriptions along the rim: at the top — «СТО РУБЛЕЙ» (HUNDRED RUBLES), at the bottom —«1999», the letters to the left indicate the metal sign and the fineness, to the right — the fine metal content and the mint trade mark.


the monument to A.S.Pushkin in Moscow designed by the sculptor A.M.Opekushin. At the foot of the pedestal — flowers, to the left — a lamppost.To the left from the top to the bottom — the elements of the Moscow Kremlin, Pashkov's House and the private residence on the Arbat Street in Moscow in which the Pushkins married couple used to live after its wedding ceremony.To the right from the top to the bottom — the central portal of the Admiralty, Isaac Cathedral and Alexander Pillar in St.Petersburg.The inscription at the bottom: «АЛЕКСАНДР ПУШКИН» (ALEXANDR PUSHKIN) and the dates «1799» «1837».


The artist: A.V.Baklanov
The sculptor: V.M.Kharlamov
Moscow Mint (ММД)
The edge: 360 corrugations

Moscow and Petersburg have a special place in the life of Pushkin.The poet was born in Moscow and spent here the early years of his life coming back to Moscow continually during his life. Moscow met Pushkin enthusiastically when he had been discharged by the Tsar from his banishment in Mikhailovskoye. Here on a ball he met for the first time Nataliya Goncharova, a beauty woman whom he got married in 1831. One of the best monuments to A.S.Pushkin was erected in Moscow on the Strastnoy Avenue in 1880. After graduation from the lyceum the life of the poet was connected with Petersburg.The circle of his acquaintances and connections was extremely wide and spacious: the poets Zhukovsky and Griboyedov, the philosopher Chaadayev, the historian Karamzin, the composer Glinka etc.The poet was mortally wounded in Petersburg in the duel. After the evidence of a contemporary up to 50 thousand people of all classes having lived in Petersburg visited his house from his death to the transference of his remains to a church.The tragic death of Pushkinshacked Russia.»

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