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FX Interventions (daily)

>mln. USD
Settlement date The actual amount of the Bank of Russia FX operations on the domestic market
(«+» - purchase, «–» - sales)
the amount of the Bank of Russia FX interventions
(«+» - purchase, «–» - sales)
the amount of operations related to the Federal Treasury FX purchases (sales) with the Bank of Russia
(«+» - purchases, «–» - sale)

* The actual amount of the Bank of Russia FX operations on domestic market consists of two components: the amount of the Bank of Russia FX interventions and the amount of operations related to the Federal Treasury FX purchases (sales) with the Bank of Russia. If these types of operations imply different directions, the Bank of Russia does not carry out FX purchases and sales at the same time, which means the Bank of Russia buys or sells only the remainder of different types of operations on FX market.

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Last updated on: 31.01.2017