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Olga Polyakova

Olga Polyakova

Born in 1970 in Moscow.


1995: graduated from the Ordzhonikidze State Academy of Management with a degree in economics.


She was awarded the Certificates of Honour of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia, the decoration ‘For Honourable Service at the Bank of Russia’, and holds other official awards.

1988–2000: various positions at public and commercial banks.

2000: joined the Bank of Russia.

2005–2009: Advisor to the Bank of Russia’s Chief Auditor.

2009: appointed to the post of Deputy Director of the Bank of Russia’s Internal Audit and Inspection Department.

2011–2014: Director of the Bank of Russia’s Internal Auditing Department.

December 2014 — 15 December 2016: Head of the Bank of Russia Main Branch for the Central Federal District.

Since 16 December 2016: Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia.

Member of the Bank of Russia Board of Directors (since 24 November 2021).

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Last updated on: 05.09.2024