Larisa Pavlova

Born on 9 July 1964 in Kairakkum, Tadjikistan.
1983: graduated from the Tomsk Accounting and Credit College under the State Bank of the USSR.
1995: graduated from the All-Russian State Distance-Learning Institute of Finance and Economics.
1983–1990: Economist in the Barabinsk branch of the State Bank of the USSR, in the Omsk Regional Division of the State Bank of the USSR, and in the Omsk Regional Department of Agroprombank of the USSR.
1990–2015: Economist in the economic analysis section, in the section of credit resources and economic analysis. Head of units focusing on the economic analysis of commercial banks’ and branches’ activities, payment systems and settlements, and banking supervision. Deputy Head of the Bank of Russia Omsk Regional Division, Head of the Bank of Russia Omsk Regional Division.
Since 1 January 2015: Head of the Volga-Vyatka Main Branch of the Bank of Russia.
2017: was awarded the Certificate of Commendation of the President of the Russian Federation ‘For Merit in the Development and Improvement of the Banking System’.
2019: was awarded the title of Honoured Economist of the Russian Federation by the Executive Order of the President of the Russian Federation.
Member of the Bank of Russia Board of Directors (appointed on 12 October 2023).