• 12 Neglinnaya Street, Moscow, 107016 Russia
  • 8 800 300-30-00
  • www.cbr.ru
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Terms and Conditions of lending standing facilities

Terms and conditions of lending standing facilities on 23.09.2024:

Loan type Loan maturity Interest rate (% p.a.)
Secured Loans of the Primary mechanism of liquidity provision 1-30 20
Secured Loans of the Supplementary mechanism of liquidity provision 1-180 20.75

Closing time for accepting applications for Bank of Russia loans, submitted:

in electronic form using personal accounts** 20:25*** of the settlement date
on paper (in case of technical impossibility of sending in electronic form)* 17:00 of the settlement date

* Local time

** Moscow time

*** In case of extension of settlement period of the regular session of the Bank of Russia Payment System time for accepting applications for Bank of Russia loans is extended also, but no more than till 20:55

Data is available from 15.11.2011 to 23.09.2024.
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Last updated on: 20.09.2024