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Maxim Lyubomudrov

Maxim Lubomudrov

Born on 25 September 1972.


1995: graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MGIMO University) with a degree in international economic relations.

1999: was qualified as a certified bank auditor of compliance with the Russian Accounting Standards.

2003: successfully passed examination under the American programme CPA.


1994–2000: Consultant, Senior Consultant, and Manager at the audit company Ernst & Young.

2000–2004: Vice President at Deutsche Bank Ltd.

2004–2015: Director, Partner in the Tax and Law Department, Partner in the Consulting Department of Deloitte & Touche CIS.

2015–2019: Deputy Director General at JSC Russian Small and Medium Business Corporation (SME Corporation).

2019–2020: Deputy Chairman of the Management Board at JSC Rosselkhozbank.

Since 27 May 2021: Director of the Department for Supervision over Systemically Important Credit Institutions.

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Last updated on: 05.09.2024