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  • 8 800 300-30-00
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Publication Schedule

Official statistical and analytical information publication calendars are subject to change. Please follow updates.

Release date Time Information-Indicator/Reference date
20.09.2024 16:00 Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity of the Russian Federation*
20.09.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
23.09.2024 Amount outstanding of listed shares of resident issuers in domestic market
23.09.2024 Amount outstanding of variable rate debt securities issued in domestic market by benchmark interest rate type
23.09.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities issued in domestic market by interest rate type
23.09.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities issued on domestic market
25.09.2024 16:00 Nonresidents' Share in the Russian Federation Domestic Bonds (OFZ)
26.09.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
27.09.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
27.09.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities issued in domestic market and related to sustainable development
30.09.2024 Funds Granted (Loans Granted to Resident Individuals)
30.09.2024 Funds of Organizations, Deposits and Other Funds of Legal Entities and Individuals, Budget Funds in Accounts of Credit Institutions
30.09.2024 Housing (Mortgage) Loan Market
30.09.2024 16:00 Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation. Analytical Presentation
Q2 2024
30.09.2024 16:00 Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation. Standard Components*
Q2 2024
30.09.2024 Central Bank Survey
30.09.2024 Credit Institutions Survey
30.09.2024 Depository Corporations Survey (according to requirements of SDDS IMF)*
30.09.2024 Banking System Survey
30.09.2024 16:00 International Investment Position of the Russian Federation. Standard Components (At a Reference Date)
30.09.2024 16:00 International Investment Position of the Russian Federation. Main Components
Q2 2024
30.09.2024 Money Supply (National Definition)
30.09.2024 16:00 External Debt of the Russian Federation by Maturity and Financial Instrument*
30.09.2024 16:00 External Debt of the Russian Federation in Domestic and Foreign Currencies
30.09.2024 16:00 External Debt of the Russian Federation
01.10.2024 Financial assets and liabilities of the households sector by the type of financial instruments (balances)
01.10.2024 Financial assets and liabilities of the households sector by the type of financial instruments (transactions)
03.10.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
04.10.2024 Monthly Average Actual Rates on Moscow banks’ credits in Rubles and US dollars (MIACR, MIACR-IG, MIACR-B, MIACR USD)
September 2024
04.10.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
04.10.2024 Monetary base (narrow definition)
07.10.2024 Financial assets and liabilities of the households sector by the type of financial
07.10.2024 Non-financial sector and Households debt on bank loans and debt securities
07.10.2024 Financial assets and liabilities of the households sector by the type of financial
07.10.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period)
07.10.2024 16:00 Official reserve assets (End of period). Monthly values*
September 2024
08.10.2024 Weighted Average Interest Rates of Loans and Deposits and Structure of Loans and Deposits by Maturity (Loans Granted to Individuals and Deposits of Individuals and Nonfinancial Organizations)
August 2024
08.10.2024 Weighted Average Interest Rates on Loans and Deposits and Structure of Loans and Deposits by Maturity (Loans Granted to Nonfinancial Organizations)
August 2024
08.10.2024 Funds Granted (Loans Granted to Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, Small, Medium-Sized Businesses)
09.10.2024 Current Account of the Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation Seasonally Adjusted
Q2 2024
09.10.2024 Main Components of Current Account of the Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation Seasonally Adjusted
Q2 2024
09.10.2024 Main Components of Current Account of the Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation Seasonally Adjusted (Charts)
Q2 2024
10.10.2024 Direct Investment of the Russian Federation (Directional and Asset/Liability Principle)
10.10.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
10.10.2024 Direct Investment of the Russian Federation: Cumulative Positions by Instrument (Directional Principle) Direct Investment of the Russian Federation: Cumu
10.10.2024 External Trade in Services of the Russian Federation within the Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (Balance of Payments Methodology)
Q2 2024
11.10.2024 16:00 Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation (Estimate. Analytical Presentation)
January-September 2024
11.10.2024 16:00 Estimates of Key Aggregates of the Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation
January-September 2024
11.10.2024 16:00 External Debt of the Russian Federation (Estimate)
11.10.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
14.10.2024 Exports of Services by Region of the Russian Federation
Q2 2024
14.10.2024 Central Bank Survey (according to requirements of SDDS IMF)*
14.10.2024 Imports of Services by Region of the Russian Federation
Q2 2024
14.10.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities provided by Other depository corporations to the Bank of Russia under a REPO
14.10.2024 Monetary Base (Broad Definition)
14.10.2024 16:00 Monthly External Trade in Services of the Russian Federation
September 2024
14.10.2024 16:00 Merchandise Trade of the Russian Federation (Balance of Payments Methodology)*
August 2024
15.10.2024 Average daily turnover indicators of interbank lending (deposits) and REPO operations
September 2024
15.10.2024 Basic Derived Indicators of Ruble's Exchange Rate Dynamics
September 2024
15.10.2024 Main Stock Market Indicators*
September 2024
17.10.2024 Non-financial sector and Households debt, extended
17.10.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
18.10.2024 Exports of Services of the Russian Federation by Type of Economic Activity
Q2 2024
18.10.2024 16:00 Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity of the Russian Federation*
18.10.2024 Imports of Services of the Russian Federation by Type of Economic Activity
Q2 2024
18.10.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
22.10.2024 Amount outstanding of listed shares of resident issuers in domestic market
22.10.2024 Amount outstanding of variable rate debt securities issued in domestic market by benchmark interest rate type
22.10.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities issued in domestic market by interest rate type
22.10.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities issued on domestic market
24.10.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
25.10.2024 16:00 Nonresidents' Share in the Russian Federation Domestic Bonds (OFZ)
25.10.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
30.10.2024 Funds Granted (Loans Granted to Resident Individuals)
30.10.2024 Funds of Organizations, Deposits and Other Funds of Legal Entities and Individuals, Budget Funds in Accounts of Credit Institutions
30.10.2024 Housing (Mortgage) Loan Market
30.10.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities issued in domestic market and related to sustainable development
31.10.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
31.10.2024 Central Bank Survey
31.10.2024 Credit Institutions Survey
31.10.2024 Depository Corporations Survey (according to requirements of SDDS IMF)*
31.10.2024 Banking System Survey
31.10.2024 Money Supply (National Definition)
01.11.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
06.11.2024 Monthly Average Actual Rates on Moscow banks’ credits in Rubles and US dollars (MIACR, MIACR-IG, MIACR-B, MIACR USD)
October 2024
06.11.2024 Weighted Average Interest Rates on Loans and Deposits and Structure of Loans and Deposits by Maturity (Loans Granted to Nonfinancial Organizations)
September 2024
06.11.2024 Funds Granted (Loans Granted to Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, Small, Medium-Sized Businesses)
07.11.2024 Financial assets and liabilities of the households sector by the type of financial
07.11.2024 Non-financial sector and Households debt on bank loans and debt securities
07.11.2024 Financial assets and liabilities of the households sector by the type of financial
08.11.2024 Weighted Average Interest Rates of Loans and Deposits and Structure of Loans and Deposits by Maturity (Loans Granted to Individuals and Deposits of Individuals and Nonfinancial Organizations)
September 2024
08.11.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
08.11.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period)
08.11.2024 16:00 Official reserve assets (End of period). Monthly values*
October 2024
08.11.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
08.11.2024 Monetary base (narrow definition)
12.11.2024 16:00 Merchandise Trade of the Russian Federation (Balance of Payments Methodology)*
September 2024
13.11.2024 16:00 Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation (Estimate. Analytical Presentation)
January-October 2024
13.11.2024 16:00 Estimates of Key Aggregates of the Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation
January-October 2024
13.11.2024 Main Stock Market Indicators*
October 2024
13.11.2024 Gross External Debt Position of the Russian Federation: Short-Term Remaining Maturity
13.11.2024 16:00 Nonresidents' Share in the Russian Federation Eurobonds
14.11.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
14.11.2024 Central Bank Survey (according to requirements of SDDS IMF)*
14.11.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities provided by Other depository corporations to the Bank of Russia under a REPO
14.11.2024 Monetary Base (Broad Definition)
14.11.2024 16:00 Monthly External Trade in Services of the Russian Federation
October 2024
15.11.2024 Data on Early Repayment and Refinancing of HMLs
Q3 2024
15.11.2024 Average daily turnover indicators of interbank lending (deposits) and REPO operations
October 2024
15.11.2024 Basic Derived Indicators of Ruble's Exchange Rate Dynamics
October 2024
15.11.2024 International Investment Position of the Russian Federation in Domestic and Foreign Currencies
15.11.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
20.11.2024 16:00 Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity of the Russian Federation*
21.11.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
22.11.2024 Amount outstanding of listed shares of resident issuers in domestic market
22.11.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
22.11.2024 Amount outstanding of variable rate debt securities issued in domestic market by benchmark interest rate type
22.11.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities issued in domestic market by interest rate type
22.11.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities issued on domestic market
26.11.2024 16:00 Nonresidents' Share in the Russian Federation Domestic Bonds (OFZ)
28.11.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
28.11.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities issued in domestic market and related to sustainable development
29.11.2024 Financial accounts and Financial balance sheets
29.11.2024 Funds Granted (Loans Granted to Resident Individuals)
29.11.2024 Funds of Organizations, Deposits and Other Funds of Legal Entities and Individuals, Budget Funds in Accounts of Credit Institutions
29.11.2024 Housing (Mortgage) Loan Market
29.11.2024 Central Bank Survey
29.11.2024 Credit Institutions Survey
29.11.2024 Depository Corporations Survey (according to requirements of SDDS IMF)*
29.11.2024 Banking System Survey
29.11.2024 Money Supply (National Definition)
29.11.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
02.12.2024 Financial Sector Survey
02.12.2024 Other Financial Institutions Survey
02.12.2024 Professional securities market participants indicators time series
Q3 2024
05.12.2024 Monthly Average Actual Rates on Moscow banks’ credits in Rubles and US dollars (MIACR, MIACR-IG, MIACR-B, MIACR USD)
November 2024
05.12.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
06.12.2024 Financial assets and liabilities of the households sector by the type of financial
06.12.2024 Non-financial sector and Households debt on bank loans and debt securities
06.12.2024 Financial assets and liabilities of the households sector by the type of financial
06.12.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period)
06.12.2024 16:00 Official reserve assets (End of period). Monthly values*
November 2024
06.12.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
06.12.2024 Monetary base (narrow definition)
09.12.2024 Weighted Average Interest Rates of Loans and Deposits and Structure of Loans and Deposits by Maturity (Loans Granted to Individuals and Deposits of Individuals and Nonfinancial Organizations)
October 2024
09.12.2024 Weighted Average Interest Rates on Loans and Deposits and Structure of Loans and Deposits by Maturity (Loans Granted to Nonfinancial Organizations)
October 2024
09.12.2024 Funds Granted (Loans Granted to Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, Small, Medium-Sized Businesses)
12.12.2024 16:00 Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation (Estimate. Analytical Presentation)
January-November 2024
12.12.2024 16:00 Estimates of Key Aggregates of the Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation
January-November 2024
12.12.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
12.12.2024 16:00 Merchandise Trade of the Russian Federation (Balance of Payments Methodology)*
October 2024
13.12.2024 Average daily turnover indicators of interbank lending (deposits) and REPO operations
November 2024
13.12.2024 Basic Derived Indicators of Ruble's Exchange Rate Dynamics
November 2024
13.12.2024 Main Stock Market Indicators*
November 2024
13.12.2024 Central Bank Survey (according to requirements of SDDS IMF)*
13.12.2024 Monetary Base (Broad Definition)
13.12.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values
13.12.2024 16:00 Monthly External Trade in Services of the Russian Federation
November 2024
16.12.2024 Amount outstanding of debt securities provided by Other depository corporations to the Bank of Russia under a REPO
19.12.2024 16:00 International Reserves of the Russian Federation (End of period). Weekly values*
weekly values
20.12.2024 16:00 Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity of the Russian Federation*
20.12.2024 11:00 Monetary Base (Narrow Definition, weekly)
weekly values

* Data disseminated by the Bank of Russia in compliance with the IMF Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS).

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