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The Manifest from February 19, 1861 about the Abolition of Serfdom

Date of Issue
Catalogue number
The 150th Anniversary of the Beginning the Epoch of Great Reforms.
Date of Issue
Catalogue number
1 000 rubles
Metal, fineness
Gold 999/1000
Total weight, g
156.40 (±0.70)
Fine metal content not less than, g
Diameter, mm
50.00 (±0.40)
Thickness, mm
5.70 (±0.35)
Mintage, pcs


in the centre - the emblem of the Bank of Russia [the two-headed eagle with wings down, under it - the semicircular inscription "БАНК РОССИИ" (BANK OF RUSSIA)] framed by a circle of dots and inscriptions along the rim - on top: "ОДНА ТЫСЯЧА РУБЛЕЙ" (ONE THOUSAND RUBLES), below: to the left - indications of the precious metal and its fineness, in the centre - the year of issue "2011 г." (2011), to the right - the fine metal content and the mint trade mark.


to the left on the smooth surface of the coin disc - a peasant ploughing up a field, behind him in the background - flying birds and outlines of clouds, on the right lower part of the disc, divided by the image of the sharpened goose-quill - the matted image of a paper sheet with the facsimile inscription of Alexander II; along the edges of the coin, between its border and a entire circle line, above to the left - the semicircular inscription: "МАНИФЕСТ ОБ ОТМЕНЕ КРЕПОСТНОГО ПРАВА" (THE MANIFEST ABOUT THE ABOLITION OF SERFDOM), below to the right - the image of shackles split by the date "1861 г." (1861).


The artist: S.А. Коzlov.
The sculptor: V.F. Erokhin.
Mint: Моscow Mint (ММД).
Edge: 210 corrugations.

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