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The 300th Anniversary of the Russian Fleet

A Set of Commemorative Coins Dedicated to the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Fleet
Date of Issue
Catalogue number
50 rubles
Metal, fineness
Gold 900/1000
Total weight, g
8.75 (±0.10)
Fine metal content not less than, g
Diameter, mm
22.60 (-0.15)
Thickness, mm
1.50 (±0.15)
Mintage, pcs


the two-headed eagle designed by artist I. Bilibin. The inscriptions along the rim: at the top — «50 РУБЛЕЙ 1996 г.» (50 RUBLES 1996), at the bottom — «БАНК РОССИИ» (BANK OF RUSSIA). The letters below indicate the metal sign, the fineness, the mint trademark and the fine metal content.


the cruiser "ВАРЯГ" (VARYAG) with a coat of arms on a ribbon under it. The inscriptions along the rim: at the top on a ribbon - "300-ЛЕТИЕ РОССИЙСКОГО ФЛОТА" (THE 300TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RUSSIAN FLEET), at the bottom - "КРЕЙСЕР "ВАРЯГ" 1904 г." (THE CRUISER "VARYAG" 1904).


The artist: A.V.Baklanov
The sculptor: A.A.Dolgopolova
St.Petersburg Mint (ЛМД)
The edge: 200 corrugation

In the beginning of the Russo-Japanese war the crew of the Russian cruiser Varyag, commanded by Capt. Vsevolod Rudnev, heroically fought (27.01-09.02.1904) against the Japanese squadron off Chemulpo (Korea). When the Russian sailors realised that their ship could be seized by the enemy, they scuttled it.

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