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Russian Sportsmen – Champions and Prizewinners of the XXX Olympiad of 2012 in London

Date of Issue
Catalogue number
Date of Issue
Catalogue number
100 rubles
Metal, fineness
silver 925/1000, gilded
Total weight, g
339.32 (±1.65)
Fine metal content not less than, g
Diameter, mm
75.00 (±0.05)
Thickness, mm
8.50 (±0.50)
Mintage, pcs


in the centre of the disc, in a circle formed by the solid concentric line – the emblem of the Bank of Russia [the two-headed eagle with wings down, under it – the semicircular inscription "БАНК РОССИИ" (BANK OF RUSSIA)] framed by a circle of dots and inscriptions along the rim – on top: "СТО РУБЛЕЙ" (ONE HUNDRED RUBLES), below: to the left – indications of the precious metal and its fineness, in the centre – the year of issue "2014 г." (2014), to the right – the fine metal content and the mint trade mark, on the mirror field of the disc around of the emblem – names of 47 Russian sportsmen – the champions of the London Olympiad disposed in a spiral line.


in the centre of the matted ornamented field of the disc – the inscription in five lines: "РОССИЙСКИЕ СПОРТСМЕНЫ – ОЛИМПИЙСКИЕ ЧЕМПИОНЫ ЛОНДОН-2012" (RUSSIAN SPORTSMEN – OLIMPIC CHAMPIONS LONDON-2012), over it – the emblem of the Russian Olympic Committee, to the left of the inscription – a laurel branch, above and to the right – relief figures of competitive athletes from antic pictures, below on a mirror segment of the disc – the QR-code.


The artists: A.D. Schablykin (obverse), A.A. Brynza (reverse).
The sculptor: E.A. Tolyzin (obverse and reverse).
Mint: Moscow Mint (MМД).
The edge: 125 corrugations.

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