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Millennium of the Unity of Mordovian People with the Peoples of the Russian State

Millennium of the Unity of Mordovian People with the Peoples of the Russian State
Date of Issue
Catalogue number
100 rubles
Metal, fineness
Silver 925/1000
Total weight, g
1083.74 (±2.65)
Fine metal content not less than, g
Diameter, mm
100.0 (±0.80)
Thickness, mm
15.0 (±0.60)
Mintage, pcs


in the centre - the emblem of the Bank of Russia [the two-headed eagle with wings down, under it - the semicircular inscription "БАНК РОССИИ" (BANK OF RUSSIA)] framed by a circle of dots and inscriptions along the rim - on top: "СТО РУБЛЕЙ" (ONE HUNDRED RUBLES), below: to the left - indications of the precious metal and its fineness, in the centre - the year of issue "2012 г." (2012), to the right - the fine metal content and the mint trade mark.


in the centre of the coin disc - relief images of detachments of armed people - pedestrian, cavalry and skiers, to the right from them - a potter at the wheel and a izba, to the left - a peasant reaping the harvest, below at the rim - inscription on a ribbon with bent ends: "МОРДОВИЯ" (MORDOVIA), in the middle plan - interiors of izbas, to the right - with the figure of a woman-spinner at work, to the left - with a woman at the stove; in the background - relief and counter images of urban blocks, lifting cranes and a flying aircraft, above at the rim - fragments of national ornament.


The artist and sculptor: F.S. Andronov.
Mint: Saint Petersburg (СПМД).
The edge: 360 corrugations

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