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Sberbank 170 Years

Date of Issue
Catalogue number
Sberbank 170 Years
Date of Issue
Catalogue number
100 rubles
Metal, fineness
Silver 925/1000
Total weight, g
1083.74 (±2.65)
Fine metal content not less than, g
Diameter, mm
100.0 (±0.80)
Thickness, mm
15.00 (±0.60)
Mintage, pcs


in the centre - the emblem of the Bank of Russia [the two-headed eagle with wings down, under it - the semicircular inscription "БАНК РОССИИ" (BANK OF RUSSIA)] framed by a circle of dots and inscriptions along the rim - on top: "СТО РУБЛЕЙ" (ONE HUNDRED RUBLES), below: to the left - indications of the precious metal and its fineness, in the centre - the year of issue "2011 г." (2011), to the right - the fine metal content and the mint trade mark.


in the centre of the mirror segment of the disc to the right - the image of the part of a spherical surface covered by dense rows of light discs, on it - the stylized image of the map of the Russian Federation, to the left - relief images of a space apparatus on orbit and a jet aircraft, under them - counter ornaments in the form of a stripe of interlaced sinusoids and straight lines with triangles among them, lower to the right at the rim - the relief image of a block of tall houses and a lifting crane, to the left on the upper part of the segment - stylized images of parallel straight and curved lines which are going over to the matted segment, located on the upper part of the disc; below on the matted segment - the image of a green plant sprout, above at the rim - the inscription made in the technique "proof": "СБЕРБАНК. 170 ЛЕТ" (SBERBANK. 170 YEARS).


The artist: A.D. Schablykin.
The sculptor: Computer simulation.
Mint: Saint Petersburg Mint (СПМД).
The edge: 360 corrugations

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