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Date of Issue
Catalogue number
Russian Explorers of Central Asia
Date of Issue
Catalogue number
25 rubles
Metal, fineness
Silver 900/1000
Total weight, g
173.29 (±0.45)
Fine metal content not less than, g
Diameter, mm
60.00 (±0.50)
Thickness, mm
6.80 (±0.50)
Mintage, pcs


in the center — the Emblem of the Bank of Russia (the two headed eagle designed by I.Bilibin, lower — the semicircular inscription — «БАНК РОССИИ» (BANK OF RUSSIA) framed by a circle of dots and inscriptions along the rim: at the top «ДВАДЦАТЬ ПЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ» (TWENTY FIVE RUBLES), at the bottom — «1999», the letters to the left indicate the metal sign and the fineness, to the right — the fine metal content and the mint trade mark.


the pictures of an expedition's caravan, the Great Chinese Wall, a pagoda and a Buddhist shrine, at the bottom — kulans (the family of horses) and yaks. The inscription at the top along the rim: «ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ МОНГОЛИИ КИТАЯ ТИБЕТА» (THE EXPLORATION OF MONGOLIA CHINA TIBET) and the dates in two lines «1870» «1873».


The artist: A.V.Baklanov
The sculptor: A.S.Kunats
St. Petersburg Mint (СПМД)
The edge: 252 corrugations

Przhevalsky Nikolay Mikhaylovich (b.March 31 [April 12 New Style] 1839,d.October 20 [November 1 ] 1888, Russian traveler, explorer of the Central Asia, Honorary Member of the St. Petersburg's Academy of Sciences (1878). He headed the expedition to the Ussury Region (1867-1869) and four expeditions to the Central Asia (1870-1885). He during all these expeditions traveled more than 30.000 km. The accounts of the expeditions were published in a number of books, which give a vivid picture of the nature and characteristics of relief, climate, rivers, lakes, flora and fauna of the investigated territories. Extensive zoological collections (more than 7.500 mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibious and fishes) as well as botanical collections (more than 1700 species) and mineralogical collections were gathered. Przhevalsky defined the direction of main mountain ridges of the Central Asia, discovered a number of new ranges, specified the northern borders of Tibetan plateau and described the lake Lop nor. He also discovered and described the wild camel and wild horse (named in the following after his name). The Russian Geographical Society instituted the silver medal and the prize of his name. In 1946 the gold Przhevalsky's medal was instituted. A town, a range in the system of Kung Lung, a glacier in Altai, a number of other geographical objects, species and plants were named after him. The monuments to Przhevalsky have been erected at his grave near the Lake Issyk Kul and in St. Petersburg.

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