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The Bank of Russia issues a commemorative coin dedicated to the anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky

15 August 2018

On 15 August 2018, the Bank of Russia issues commemorative silver coins.

The coin in denomination of 2 rubles ‘Poet and actor V.S. Vysotsky’ is a part of the series ‘Outstanding Personalities of Russia’. The reverse side of the coin features Vladimir Vysotsky holding a guitar with two horses on the backdrop, a sword on his left and life years 1938-1980 on his right. The inscription above along the circumference reads „ВЛАДИМИР ВЫСОЦКИЙ” (VLADIMIR VYSOTSKY).

2018 marks the 80th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Vysotsky, a prominent poet, actor, song writer and singer. In January, the Bank of Russia issued a similar coin in denomination of 25 rubles.

The Bank of Russia also issues a coin dedicated to the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography. The reverse side of the coin in denomination of 1 ruble depicts the emblem of the Federal Service and the inscription „РОСРЕЕСТР” (ROSREESTR).

A new coin in denomination of 3 rubles is issued in the series ‘Guarding the Homeland’. It pictures a group of soldiers holding a flag and muskets, their uniform and equipment being from the Patriotic War of 1812 era, against the background of clouds of smoke and silhouettes of soldiers and an officer with a cannon at his side. The inscription at the bottom along the circumference reads „НА СТРАЖЕ ОТЕЧЕСТВА” (GUARDING THE HOMELAND).

A coin in denomination of 3 rubles ‘350th Anniversary of Russian State Shipbuilding’ also enters the circulation. The coin bears an image of the frigate Oryol with silhouettes of modern watercrafts in the background.

The mintage of each coin is 3 thousand pcs.

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