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Information on Household Lending Risks

Individual Indicators for Homogeneous Claims and Household Loans by Portfolio

Loans Actual LLP for loans Claims on interest income Actual LLP for claims on interest income
Total (millions of rubles) Over-due loans in excess of 90 days (millions of rubles) Over-due loans in excess of 90 days in total loans, % Total (millions of rubles) LLP as % of total loans For overdue loans in excess of 90 days (mil-lions of rubles) LLP for overdue loans in excess of 90 days as % of relevant loans LLP for overdue loans in excess of 90 days in total LLP, % Total (millions of rubles) For homo-geneous claims and loans with provisions in excess of 20% Homogene-ous claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% in total claims, % Total (mil-lions of rubles) LLP as % of total claims on interest income For claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% (mil-lions of rubles) LLP for claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% as % of relevant claims LLP for claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% in total LLP, %
1.01.17 10,494,118 977,559 9.3 1,072,739 10.2 885,889 90.6 82.6 179,960 81,236 45.1 76,622 42.6 72,844 89.7 95.1
1.02.17 10,474,990 992,596 9.5 1,092,379 10.4 902,307 90.9 82.6 179,980 80,470 44.7 78,542 43.6 72,313 89.9 92.1
1.03.17 10,479,398 997,762 9.5 1,098,369 10.5 909,299 91.1 82.8 172,092 81,058 47.1 79,388 46.1 73,131 90.2 92.1
1.04.17 10,586,679 993,773 9.4 1,105,954 10.4 909,692 91.5 82.3 179,942 83,714 46.5 79,760 44.3 75,887 90.7 95.1
1.05.17 10,698,817 994,790 9.3 1,108,486 10.4 911,886 91.7 82.3 184,868 84,135 45.5 80,577 43.6 76,632 91.1 95.1
1.06.17 10,762,179 990,058 9.2 1,105,183 10.3 905,625 91.5 81.9 182,782 84,230 46.1 80,350 44.0 76,638 91.0 95.4
1.07.17 10,890,616 961,767 8.8 1,081,058 9.9 877,376 91.2 81.2 177,508 80,911 45.6 77,187 43.5 73,573 90.9 95.3
1.08.17 11,047,415 965,563 8.7 1,090,309 9.9 882,787 91.4 81.0 182,666 81,783 44.8 78,082 42.7 74,447 91.0 95.3
1.10.17 11,382,953 937,411 8.2 1,070,425 9.4 856,520 91.4 80.0 183,565 79,597 43.4 76,283 41.6 72,405 91.0 94.9
1.11.17 11,524,575 933,949 8.1 1,071,771 9.3 854,229 91.5 79.7 182,407 79,861 43.8 76,482 41.9 72,964 91.4 95.4
1.12.17 11,724,100 915,684 7.8 1,060,069 9.0 836,549 91.4 78.9 178,436 78,879 44.2 75,657 42.4 71,871 91.1 95.0
1.01.18 11,902,434 890,726 7.5 1,038,421 8.7 813,486 91.3 78.3 182,321 76,922 42.2 73,455 40.3 69,703 90.6 94.9

— LLP stands for loan loss provisions.
— According to Form 0409115 ‘Information on the Quality of Assets of a Credit Institution’.
— The table does not include information about the quality of household loans assessed for the purpose of making LLP on an individual basis.

Household Loans Due in the Reporting Period, Including Overdue Loans

Millions of rubles

January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017
1. Total household loans due in the reporting period,
209,692 196,181 227,242 200,951 220,368 212,057 217,669 208,972 235,994 226,521 237,037
1.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 4,973 5,030 6,390 4,582 5,360 4,827 5,183 4,390 5,621 5,099 5,308
1.2. Housing mortgage loans 20,366 19,021 24,714 20,055 22,265 20,040 21,872 19,008 24,257 22,143 21,878
1.3. Car loans 19,197 19,395 20,199 18,871 20,030 19,655 19,939 19,779 21,170 20,751 20,589
1.4. Other consumer loans 165,156 152,735 175,940 157,443 172,713 167,533 170,675 165,795 184,946 178,528 189,262
2. Of which:
total household loans overdue in the reporting period,
26,993 26,620 31,036 25,155 26,824 24,965 26,783 22,708 25,257 22,741 23,387
2.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 237 323 322 306 420 477 351 297 308 285 206
2.2. Housing mortgage loans 1,934 2,982 2,395 2,107 2,141 2,063 2,167 1,897 2,269 2,093 1,778
2.3. Car loans 1,795 2,231 2,034 1,791 1,704 1,676 1,638 1,586 1,642 1,607 1,398
2.4. Other consumer loans 23,028 21,084 26,284 20,951 22,560 20,749 22,627 18,928 21,038 18,755 20,005
3. Share of total household loans overdue in the reporting period, % 12.9 13.6 13.7 12.5 12.2 11.8 12.3 10.9 10.7 10.0 9.9
3.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 4.8 6.4 5.0 6.7 7.8 9.9 6.8 6.8 5.5 5.6 3.9
3.2. Housing mortgage loans 9.5 15.7 9.7 10.5 9.6 10.3 9.9 10.0 9.4 9.5 8.1
3.3. Car loans 9.3 11.5 10.1 9.5 8.5 8.5 8.2 8.0 7.8 7.7 6.8
3.4. Other consumer loans 13.9 13.8 14.9 13.3 13.1 12.4 13.3 11.4 11.4 10.5 10.6

Update on 2 February 2018.

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Last updated on: 12.08.2019