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150th Anniversary of Founding the State Tretyakov Gallery

Date of Issue
Catalogue number
Date of Issue
Catalogue number
25 rubles
Metal, fineness
Silver 900/1000 - Gold 900/1000
Total weight, g
178.83 (±0.82)
Fine metal content not less than, g
155.50 - 4.66
Diameter, mm
60.00 (±0.30)
Thickness, mm
6.80 (±0.50)
Mintage, pcs


in the centre – the Emblem of the Bank of Russia [the two-headed eagle with wings down, lower – the semicircular inscription – «БАНК РОССИИ» (BANK OF RUSSIA)] framed by a circle of dots and inscriptions along the rim: at the top – «ДВАДЦАТЬ ПЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ» (TWENTY FIVE RUBLES), at the bottom – the year of issue «2006», the letters to the left indicate the metal sign and the fineness, to the right – the fine metal content and the mint trade mark.


in the lower part of the silver disc – a gold rectangular insert featuring the facade of the main building of the Tretyakov Gallery, at the bottom on the nsert – the indications: to the left – the metal sign and the fineness «Au 900», to the right – the fine metal content: «4,66»; in the middle and upper parts of the disc – painting fragmens framed by the «proof» line: to the left – «Misalliance» painted by V.V. Pukirev, above it – the icon «Our Lady of Vladimir» (beginning of the XIIth century), to the right – «Lacemaker» (the artist V.A. Tropinin), at the top – «The Bogatyrs» (Knights) painted by V.M. Vasnetsov. The inscription at the bottom along the rim – «ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ ТРЕТЬЯКОВСКАЯ ГАЛЕРЕЯ» (THE STATE TRETYAKOV GALLERY).


The artist: A.V. Baklanov, National Artist of Russia.
The sculptor: A.A. Dolgopolova.
St. Petersburg Mint (СПМД).
The edge: 252 corrugations.

The State Tretyakov Gallery, founded by Pavel Tretyakov in Moscow in 1856 as a public museum, is the biggest museum of the Russian art. The facade of the main building erected during 1902 and 1904 (designed by the artist V.M. Vasnetsov), became the emblem of the Tretyakov Gallery.

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