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The 750th Anniversary of the Birthday of Dante Alighieri

Date of Issue
Catalogue number
Date of Issue
Catalogue number
25 rubles
Metal, fineness
Silver 925/1000
Total weight, g
169.00 (±0.85)
Fine metal content not less than, g
Diameter, mm
60.00 (±0.50)
Thickness, mm
6.60 (±0.50)
Mintage, pcs


in the centre – the emblem of the Bank of Russia [the two-headed eagle with wings down, under it – the semicircular inscription "БАНК РОССИИ" (BANK OF RUSSIA)] framed by a circle of dots and inscriptions along the rim – on top: "ДВАДЦАТЬ ПЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ" (TWENTY FIVE RUBLES), below: to the left – indications of the precious metal and its fineness, in the centre – the year of issue "2015 г." (2015), to the right – the fine metal content and the mint trade mark.


in the centre of the disc – the monument to Dante in Verona, to the left – Charon, carrying by boat Dante and Verghilius, and fragments of G. Dore’s illustrations to "The Divine Comedy", showing visions of the Hell (figures of the sinners below) and Paradise (figures of Beatrice and angels above), in the right part of the disc – Santa Maria del Fiore Church with the Giotto Belfry in Florence, under them – dates in two lines: "1265" and "1321", along the rim to the right above – the inscription: "ДАНТЕ АЛИГЬЕРИ" (DANTE ALIGHIERI).


The artist and sculptor: A.A. Brynza.
Mint: Saint Petersburg Mint (СПМД).
The edge: 252 corrugations.

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