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Vladimir Chistyukhin

Vladimir Chistyukhin

Born on 20 January 1973 in Moscow.


1995: graduated from the Department of Law of the Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in jurisprudence.


1995–1996: 2nd Category Economist, 1st Category Economist, Lead Economist in the Foreign Exchange Regulation Division of the Bank of Russia Main Division for Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control.

1996–1997: Lead Economist in the Foreign Exchange Regulation Division, Chief Economist in the Division for Foreign Exchange Control of Capital Operations of the Bank of Russia’s Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control Department.

1997–1999: Deputy Head of the Division for Foreign Exchange Control of Capital Operations — Head of Section in the Bank of Russia’s Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control Department.

1999–2000: Head of the Foreign Exchange Operations Analysis Division of the Bank of Russia’s Foreign Exchange Regulation Department.

2000–2002: Deputy Director of the Bank of Russia’s Foreign Exchange Regulation Department.

2002–2004: Deputy Director of the Bank of Russia’s Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control Department.

2004–2011: Deputy Director of the Bank of Russia’s Banking Regulation and Supervision Department.

2011–2013: Director of the Bank of Russia’s Financial Stability Department.

September 2013 — 2 March 2014: First Deputy Head of the Bank of Russia’s Financial Markets Service.

Since February 2014: Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia.

Since 17 January 2022: First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia.

Member of the Bank of Russia Board of Directors (appointed on 12 October 2023).

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Last updated on: 05.09.2024