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Bank of Russia issues commemorative precious metal coins

31 июля 2019 года

On 1 August 2019, the Bank of Russia will release three commemorative silver one-ruble coins into circulation. These coins will be issued in the ‘Armed Forces of the Russian Federation’ (Nuclear Support Units of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation) series.

The coins have a round shape and are 25.0 mm in diameter (fine precious metal content 7.78 g, fineness 925). The obverse and reverse sides of the coins have a relief rim around the circumference.

The obverse of the coins bears a relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and the inscriptions: ‘РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ’ (RUSSIAN FEDERATION), ‘БАНК РОССИИ’ (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination ‘1 РУБЛЬ’ (1 RUBLE), the year of issue ‘2019 г.’ (2019), the chemical symbol of the metal according to Mendeleev’s Periodic Table of Elements, fineness, the St. Petersburg Mint trademark, and fine metal content.

The reverse sides of the coins feature:

— a relief image of the emblem of the nuclear support units and the inscription around the circumference: ‘СОЕДИНЕНИЯ И ВОИНСКИЕ ЧАСТИ ЯДЕРНОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ’ (NUCLEAR SUPPORT UNITS) (Catalogue No. 5109-0124);

— relief images of a strategic bomber, a mobile missile system and a nuclear-powered missile submarine; stylised electron orbitals on the left; and the inscription around the circumference: ‘СОЕДИНЕНИЯ И ВОИНСКИЕ ЧАСТИ ЯДЕРНОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ’ (NUCLEAR SUPPORT UNITS) (Catalogue No. 5109-0125);

— a relief image of the shoulder sleeve insignia of the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation; and the inscription around the circumference: ‘СОЕДИНЕНИЯ И ВОИНСКИЕ ЧАСТИ ЯДЕРНОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ’ (NUCLEAR SUPPORT UNITS) (Catalogue No. 5109-0126).

The edge of the coins is corrugated.

The coins are minted in proof quality.

The mintage of the coins is 5,000 pcs of each design.

При использовании материала ссылка на Пресс-службу Банка России обязательна.

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